ResolveAX Release Notes - Version 24.10

Enhanced Location Identification in Agent Login Dashboard

With this new ResolveAX release, Cyara has enhanced Agent Location Identification information provided in the Agent Login Dashboard.

There is now a new icon that has been added to the “Health” column pictogram representing the status of the agent’s location identification

The different color states of the icon represent the status and the method by which the agent location has been identified:

Green – agents’ location has been obtained using HTML5 Geolocation (most accurate)

Orange – agents’ location has been obtained using ISP Public IP Address reverse lookup (less accurate, and could be off by 10’s of miles)

Red - agents’ location could not be obtained


In addition, a new column “Location Source” in the Agent Login dashboard provides a textual result representing the location identification method:

Geo Location (navigator)” = = HTML5 Geolocation

IP Address (isp)” = = ISP Public IP Address reverse lookup

Not Available” = = location information could not be obtained


Note: (site) suffix denotes that the location information is being superseded by the agent’s explicit “Site” configuration


Note: Enhanced location identification information is only available for agents using ResolveAX extension v24.10. Any agents with an extension before V24.10 will have no enhanced location information provided (no location icon in the “Health” column and the Location Source information will be blank)  

Lastly, the Health Check Report Details have been enhanced to provide information related to the outcome and the source of the Location Identification:

In the Report Details, the status of the “location” check can be:

ok = HTML5 Geolocation

warning = ISP IP Address reverse lookup

bad = location could not be obtained

Additional information is provided in the report’s JSON ”location” section

The “Source” section provides the details on the method:

navigator” = HTML5 Geolocation

isp” = ISP IP Address reverse lookup

null” = could not be obtained

Improved resiliency and logging for the Bandwidth test conducted as part of the Health Check

Cyara has observed situations where the bandwidth test (part of the health check) is failing due to bandwidth testing service, or due to Chromium Manifest V3 (MV3) internal issues resulting in the false negative result being generated against the agent environment.

To minimize any false negative results, Cyara has implemented several resiliency enhancements that will retry the test, and in case the issue persists ResolveAX will log a warning with a description of the condition in the Health Check Report, and the bandwidth test icon in the “Health” column of the Agent Login portal will be set to orange color




 – Success, bandwidth test completed successfully


– Warning, bandwidth test was not able to complete


- Failure, bandwidth test results (upload or download) did not meet the minimum thresholds set by the administrator under “Settings”

Please note that the “Warning” bandwidth test outcome will not generate alerts against the agent's environment, or be reported as a negative health check, as ResolveAX does when the agent's network bandwidth does not meet minimum thresholds set by the administrator.

Example health check report:

User roles and permissions for ResolveAX

As we add more functionality to ResolveAX, there is a need for a more granular user roles/user permissions to manage access control and provide data protection

​With ResolveAX 24.10 release Cyara is introducing new, more granular user roles and permissions.

The new user roles have been defined in the Cyara main portals (US, UK and ANZ) and can be assigned to users who require ResolveAX access

Note: Only users with User Administration roles will have access users' login details

User roles are “stackable”, which means there are no roles with overlapping permissions. Each role provides a unique set of permission(s) and should be assigned to users on a need basis.

Note: The “ResolveAX Agent Control” role is reserved for future capabilities

Agent Management API

With release v24.10 Cyara is introducing the first set of publicly accessible ResolveAX API endpoints focusing on ResolveAX agent (user) management

The API endpoints will enable users with the programmatic means of incorporating ResolveAX agent management into the centralized user management tools

The ResolveAX Agent management API endpoints provide users with the same capabilities as currently available via the ResolveAX Portal (Administration -> Manage Agents)

  • Get a list of users with optional filters
  • Create a new user
  • Get the details for an individual user
  • Update an existing user
  • Delete a user
  • Get a list of all sites
  • Create a new site
  • Get the details of a single site
  • Update an existing site

ResolveAX Agent Management API will utilize the same security mechanism as the one in place for Cyara Core v3 APIs. Users wishing to use ResolveAX APIs must obtain the Security Key and the Token from the Cyara Portal. Only users with the ResolveAX Agent Admin role will be able to use the API.

The Swagger API documentation page is accessible via:


Issues Fixed

  • CP-46981: Agent Login Dashboard does not refresh with auto-refresh or when using the refresh button
  • CP-46561: Extension Activation – Custom Date from and to date was being truncated
  • CP-47099: Disconnected Reason->By Agent->Breakdown background color was changing when clicked on
  • CP-47111: MyTeam -> Import page was missing a scroll bar
  • CP-47132: Analysis -> Agent Integration Dashboard occasionally threw HTTP 500 Error
  • CP-47176: Analysis - resolve results not matching selected filter settings
  • CP-47222: Analysis -> Extension Initialization Log Viewer “Type” filed truncated options list
  • CP-47390: Monitoring Clear/Apply in the filter panel did not work for some scenarios

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