[CP-1834] - Feature: Purge Tool Enhancements
- Files which are no longer accessible at the original path (as recorded in the database) can now be migrated.
- Database queries that failed due to a timeout will be retried, and will also no longer cause the whole job to fail.
- More logging has been added to help diagnose issues with failed queries.
[CP-3021] - Feature: REST API v2.3
This release of the Cyara Platform features a new v2.3 RESTful API. Some of the highlights of this version include:
- Consolidation of all routes available in previous versions
- A number of bug fixes and performance improvements
- A new Test Case schema version, which includes the new fields introduced to the Platform in previous releases
Please note: All previous versions of the REST API are superseded by REST API v2.3, and are deprecated. Full documentation for the API is available at: http://docs.cyara69023.apiary.io/
[CP-3118] - Feature: Export Custom Pulse Report Detailed Results
Detailed Results on the Custom Pulse Report can now be exported to PDF and CSV formats.
[CP-3225] - Feature: REST API 2.x - Test Case Last Modified By
All routes that return Test Case information now include a Last Modified By field.
[CP-3303] - Feature: Data Rules - Regular expression validation
Regular expressions are now highlighted in bold when detected. Additionally, extra characters before or after the function declaration will be highlighted and fail validation. Please refer to the User Guide topic "Creating New Data Rules" for more information.
[CP-3367] - Feature: Attachments for administrative Platform Emails
Emails sent from the "Email Platform Users" administrative page can now have attachments added.
[CP-3500] - Feature: Omni Scheduler License Details
The Omni Scheduler will now log details of the supplied license file on service start.
[CP-3604] - Feature: HP ALM Exporting: Actual Confidence
The Actual Confidence/MOS values are now included in Detailed Result exports to HP ALM.
[CP-3628] - Feature: Pulse Active Alerts
On the Active Alerts screen, the Test Case column will now display the folder path in addition to the Test Case name in the tooltip.
[CP-3666] - Feature: Crawler Account Balance
Platform-level Users with the "Platform Administrator" role can now add negative credit to an Account's Crawler balance.
[CP-3698] - Feature: Support for HP ALM 12.5
The Cyara Platform now supports exporting results to HP ALM 12.5. Please refer to the User Guide topic "HP Quality Center Integration" for more information.
[CP-3699] - Feature: Crawler - Support for French-Speaking IVRs
The Cyara Platform now has support for Crawling French-speaking IVRs. The IVR Crawler can now both transcribe and respond with speech generated from text in French. Please note that
this feature does not include a French User Interface in the Portal.
[CP-3728] - Feature: Additional Speech Engine language support
The Speech Engine now supports Danish (da-DK) and Swedish (sv-SE) recognition. Additionally, the following voices have been made available for TTS:
da-DK Ida
sv-SE Oskar
sv-SE Alva
[CP-3749] - Feature: Crawler UX Redesign
This release of the Cyara Platform features a major overhaul of the Crawler user interface. Some of these changes include:
- A new Model navigation screen
- Right-click context menu for Nodes
- Option menu on the right-hand side
Please refer to the "Crawler" section of the User Guide for more information.
[CP-369] - Changed: Speech matching digit recognition
The Call Engine's speech matching recognition logic has been improved to more precisely match the expected digits. This affects the following Tags, when variables are used to declare an expected value: Digits, Number, Currency, Time, Date, and AlphaNum.
[CP-1458] - Changed: REST API 1.0 testResultsFeed performance optimization
The API Route /api/1.0/report/testResultsFeed has been optimized to return results much faster than before.
[CP-1613] - Changed: Adding a Block to a Test Case
Adding a Block to a Test Case will now scroll to where the Block was added. Previously, the page would be scrolled to the first Test Case Step.
[CP-3054] - Changed: Checkbox selection
Checkboxes now have to be explicitly clicked to be toggled. Previously, clicking anywhere on the grid line would cause the checkbox to be toggled.
[CP-3241] - Changed: Pulse detailed results report optimization
The Pulse detailed results report now loads significantly faster.
[CP-3385] - Changed: Database performance improvements
Many reports in the Portal are now faster due to string storage optimizations in the database.
[CP-3585] - Changed: Super Administrator user type replaced
The Super Administrator user type has been replaced by a "Platform User" with roles. This will allow finer-grained control over access to Platform administrative functions. Please see the "Overview" topic in the User Guide section "Platform Administration" for more information.
[CP-3720] - Changed: Crawler Model folder
A new "Models" folder has been added to the Test Cases & Blocks screen for Crawler Model storage. All new Crawls will be exported to this folder. Please refer to the User Guide for more information.
[CP-3857] - Fixed: Crawler DTMF Node creation
During Node creation, it was possible to get DTMF Node creation in to an unworkable state, requiring a page reload to resolve.
[CP-862] - Fixed: Crawler Custom Phrases
Transformed phrases without a value were incorrectly displaying as null instead of an empty string.
[CP-958] - Fixed: Alarm Profile User Dropdown
When creating an Alarm Profile on an Account with a large number of Users, the dropdown to select a User could incorrectly exceed the page boundary. This has been changed to a scrollable list.
[CP-1511] - Fixed: Crawler transcription failing
In some circumstances, Crawler transcription could fail, causing the Crawl to also fail.
[CP-1636] - Fixed: Web Portal session expired
On some pages in the Web Portal, if a User stayed on a page until their session had expired, and then tried to perform an action, then an error dialogue would be displayed, instead of redirecting the user directly to the login page.
[CP-1749] - Fixed: Test Case editing
Pressing navigation and modifier keys such as tab, shift, enter, etc, while editing a Test Case, was incorrectly marking the Test Case as having changes and requiring a save. Test Cases will now only need to be saved if field values have changed.
[CP-2110] - Fixed: Call Engine AddAudioDataError
A race condition between the Call Engine and Speech Engine has been fixed, which could occur when a Test Case had a Step with a Choice tag, followed by a Step with an End Call tag.
[CP-2113] - Fixed: Call Engine InvalidOperation Exception
If the following conditions were met:
1) an Outbound Campaign had been started with transcription enabled,
2) a Call was just about to start, and
3) the Campaign was then aborted,
...then the Full Call Recording could be prematurely closed before Dialogic had closed the transcription channel, resulting in an InvalidOperation Exception and the Call Engine crashing.
[CP-2834] - Fixed: Localization inconsistencies
Users with a browser locale that uses commas as the decimal delimiter could experience a number of issues on various pages throughout the Portal. The following locales are currently supported: en- AU, en-US, en-CA, en-GB. If a supported locale is not selected, the Portal will attempt to default to an English equivalent locale for the same country code (e.g., fr-CA will fall back to en-CA). If an English equivalent locale is not available, the browser will use the value specified in the Web Portal's configuration file. Please note, this change is not related to multi-lingual support.
[CP-2914] - Fixed: Test Case Validation Results missing
When the Cyara Platform was under heavy load, if the following conditions were met:
1) a Test Case Validation had been started, with a Step with a long Expect to Hear value,
2) the User was viewing the Validation Results page, and
3) the Validation had finished, but the Voice Scheduler had not yet written the result to the database ...then an error dialogue box stating that results could not be found would be displayed. The Portal will now wait until the result has been written to the database, instead of displaying an error.
[CP-3291] - Fixed: Desktop Manager Manual Login
Passing credentials in the format of \ was incorrectly failing to login, and required a second attempt to successfully login.
[CP-3415] - Fixed: Crawler internal error
Attempting to start a Crawl while the Crawler Service was not running would display an Internal Error. A more meaningful error message is now displayed.
[CP-3430] - Fixed: Password Reset General Error
Attempting to send a password reset email while the mail server was unavailable was displaying a General Error to the User. A message is now displayed that says the email failed to send, and to contact support.
[CP-3487] - Fixed: Call Engine Full Call Recording not closed
If any of the Audio Reply files (e.g., DTMF tones) required for a call became unexpectedly unavailable, the Call Engine would correctly log an error and abandon the call. However, the Full Call Recording that had been started was incorrectly being left open, causing continuous warning messages to be added to the log file.
[CP-3524] - Fixed: Speech Engine single-segment recognition
The Speech Engine was incorrectly attempting to further split single-segment utterances, which could return a no-match result. The Speech Engine will now no longer attempt to split single- segment utterances.
[CP-3553] - Fixed: CVA - Custom Activity Usage Counter
The usage counter for custom Activities was incorrectly indicating if the Activity was used, rather than the total number of uses.
[CP-3576] - Fixed: Pulse Results duration
The Custom Pulse Report and Pulse Detailed Results were incorrectly displaying different values for the Date and Duration columns. These reports will now display the same values for the same results.
[CP-3616] - Fixed: CVA - Agents not removed on Environment change
Changing the Environment on an Agent Campaign was incorrectly not removing the associated Agents from the grid, and a validation error would occur when attempting to save the Campaign. Associated Agents are now completely cleared when the Environment is changed.
[CP-3619] - Fixed: Pulse Active Alerts Report
Test Case information displayed in the Active Alert Report was incorrectly using the more recent version of the Test Case, instead of displaying information from the historical Test Case that caused the original failure.
[CP-3622] - Fixed: PDF Custom Pulse Reports
Scheduled Custom Pulse Reports in PDF format were failing to send. This issue did not affect scheduled CSV Custom Reports.
[CP-3667] - Fixed: Custom Pulse Report Detailed Results
The Detailed Results of a Custom Pulse Report was incorrectly not loading new results when the browser was refreshed.
[CP-3690] - Fixed: Data-driven Call Engine Tags
Call Engine Tags entered as a data-driven parameter were incorrectly being converted to dynamic variables, causing Test Case execution to fail.
[CP-3735] - Fixed: Identity - Active Directory configuration
Identity was correctly handling Active Directory authentication, but the configuration keys were incorrectly not included in the configuration file, and were not prompted for during installation.
[CP-3777] - Fixed: Mid-Validation Audio playback
Attempting to play audio during the middle of a Test Case Validation was resulting in an error being displayed. The audio will now play as expected.
[CP-3784] - Fixed: Campaign CAPS report
Two issues have been identified and fixed:
1) The CAPS usage report is now generated significantly faster
2) CAPS calculation could occasionally double-count results, which made the CAPS rate look higher than it actually was.
[CP-3808] - Fixed: Purge Tool locking Test Results table
The batch size for Test Result operations has been reduced, to avoid locking the Test Results table for more than a few seconds.
[CP-3818] - Fixed: Crawler deadlock
A deadlock between the Crawler service and Web Portal has been identified and mitigated.
[CP-3843] - Fixed: Failed Calls on Pulse Details graph
The Pulse Details graph could occasionally fail to display calls on the graph, if those calls failed immediately.
[CP-3851] - Fixed: Executive Dashboard Status Icon
The status icon was obscuring text when the Service Group label was too long. The label now wraps around the status icon.
[CP-3852] - Fixed: Chat Test Runner Internal Error
Under certain circumstances, the Chat Test runner would not take a screenshot after entering an Internal Error state. The Chat Test runner will now attempt to take a screenshot and HTML dump where possible when entering an Internal Error state.
[CP-3866] - Fixed: Crawler - General Error exporting to Visio
Attempting to export a Crawler Model to Visio that contained HTML-reserved characters was causing an exception and failing to export.
[CP-3883] - Fixed: Web Portal auto refreshing page content
Pages that automatically refresh (e.g., the Voice Scheduler Administration page) were incorrectly adding new cookies to the current session periodically. After an extended period of time, the cookies would exceed the maximum allowed size which would cause subsequent page loads to return a bad request, requiring the browser to be closed and re-opened to continue using the Web Portal.
[CP-3903] - Fixed: Crawler Model Zoom issue
Attempting to Print a Crawler Model, and then clicking Cancel on the pop-up window, was incorrectly changing the zoom level on the Model.
[CP-3907] - Fixed: Test Case Last Validation date incorrect
The last Validation Date on a Test Case was incorrectly showing the first validation within the last hour, even if additional validations had been run.
[CP-3956] - Fixed: Active alerts report
If the most recent failure for an active alert was due to the call not being able to connect, then Test Result details could not be navigated to.
[CP-4044] - Fixed: Crawler Export with Blocks
Attempting to Export a Crawler Model with Blocks included, when one or more Blocks did not have a name, was causing all Blocks with a name to export successfully, however Test Cases were incorrectly not being exported.
[CP-4099] - Fixed: Crawler Transcription service log timestamps
The Crawler Transcription service was incorrectly timestamping log entries with server local time, instead of UTC zulu.