[CP-534] - Feature: CVA - Desktop Automation
CVA now supports Agent Desktop Automation. The Desktop Automation feature simulates Agent interactions with Contact Center workstations. This enables testing and analysis of various supporting applications that are used by Contact Center Agents while handling customer interactions.
[CP-2111] - Feature: Campaign Report - CAPS/APS vs Failures
A new Campaign Report has been added for Voice and Chat that plots CAPS/APS against Satisfactory and Failed results.
[CP-2016] - Changed: Web Portal Page Caching
HTML content for pages in the Web Portal is no longer cached by the browser.
[CP-2128] - Changed: User Role Validation
Previously, Cyara Platform Users had to be assigned at least one Role. This restriction has been removed, meaning that Users can now have no Roles.
[CP-571] - Fixed: API route CampaignRunTestStepResults retrieving wrong Campaign status
The API route GET /account/{accountId}/report/voice/run/CampaignRunTestStepResults?{searchTerm}={id}&page={page}&perPage ={perPage} was incorrectly always returning the Campaign status as Aborted.
[CP-1608] - Fixed: CVA - Delete Server From Environment
When creating a new Server for an Environment, the newly created Server could not be deleted until the Environment had been saved. Servers can now be deleted without requiring a save.
[CP-1660] - Fixed: CVA - Environment Server Media Type
Under certain conditions, a Server's Media Type could be incorrectly changed after it had already been associated with an Agent.
[CP-1707] - Fixed: CVA - Server Deletion Validation
Servers attached to an Agent that was attached to a Campaign could incorrectly be removed, which would cause Campaigns to not run properly.
Servers attached to Agents used in Campaigns can no longer be deleted.
[CP-1909] - Fixed: CVA - Cisco Finesse Attached Data
Attached data with an ampersand was incorrectly truncating all characters after the ampersand.
[CP-1988] - Fixed: Data Validation Results
In some scenarios, the hyperlink to view Data Validation results from the CVA Interaction result table was not displayed.
[CP-2051] - Fixed: Aborted Chat Campaign Status
Chat Campaigns that had been aborted were incorrectly reporting their status as 'Success' instead of 'Aborted'.
[CP-2061] - Fixed: CVA - Cisco Data Validation
When creating a validation KVP for an activity type of "Request Add Interaction Data", if the attribute was a regex, the value was incorrectly being ignored.
[CP-2245] - Fixed: CVA - Data Validation Performance Improvements
This fix involved three discrete changes:
When a large (>100) number of Validation Rules was created, validation would fail.
A memory leak has been identified and fixed.
A number of performance tweaks and optimizations.
[CP-2366] - Fixed: CVA - Data Validation Reports
On Agent Call Activity Detail reports, the Classification column was empty when viewing results from Interactions that ran before the Data Validation feature was introduced. A schema migration has been added so that historical Agent reports have valid data for the Classification column.
[CP-2378] - Fixed: Test Case Edit Screen Load Times
When editing a Test Case, the database query that fetches the URL for the last Validation has been optimized to run significantly quicker.
[CP-2454] - Fixed: CVA - Data Validation Abort on Failure
Behavior Activities which were set to continue on failure were incorrectly causing the Behavior to terminate if followed by an Activity with Classification other than "All". Additionally, the failed Activity was being duplicated in the Campaign Run report. Both of these issues have been fixed.
[CP-2455] - Fixed: Playback Controls Missing for Long Audio
The waveform playback controls failed to load if the Expect to Hear field contained a Unicode line separator character. The waveform playback controls now load when the Expect to Hear field contains a Unicode line separator.
[CP-2503] - Fixed: CVA - Data Validation Race Condition
If CVA was currently running Data Validation for an Activity, and an external event updated the KVP dictionary, an exception was raised. This race condition has been resolved.
[CP-2529] - Fixed: Call Records Database Performance Improvement
Attempting to export Call Records for a large (> 1 month) time range was resulting in Database timeouts. The queries have been improved to be more performant.
[CP-2561] - Fixed: Pulse Report Issues
This fix involved three discrete changes:
On both the standard and custom Pulse report pages, when hovering over successful Chat results on
the circle chart, the popout was incorrectly not grouping all successful Sessions together.
On both the standard and custom Pulse report pages, Chat results with a long 'Expect' value were not
being wrapped properly, which made scrolling through results difficult.
On the custom Pulse report page, Chat Test Cases which had timed out on different pages were incorrectly displaying the same Detailed Result in the result breakdown grid.