Platform Release Version 6.8.0

[CP-1329] - Feature: Called Number Access List

Super Administrators are now able to define Allowed and Blocked numbers on a per-Account basis. This will allow for greater control over the phone numbers that are able to be used in Test Cases. Please see the User Guide for more information on configuring the Called Number Access List.

[CP-2353] - Feature: Minor/Major Confidence for Test Case Steps

Each Step in a Test Case can now have a minor and major confidence level configured. This will allow individual Steps to be marked as Pass, Satisfactory, or Failed based on voice quality analysis. Previously, Steps could only be marked Satisfactory if the Step exceeded the Minor/Major response time thresholds. Default values for both fields can be configured at the Account level. Please see the User Guide section 'Entering Voice Test Case Steps' for more information.

[CP-2418] - Feature: CRV Multi-Leg interactions

CRV can now validate interactions with multiple call legs, covering scenarios such as being put on hold, transferred to another agent, or taking part in a conference call. Each leg is now validated and displayed in the Call Recording tab on the Result Details page. Previously, interactions with multiple call legs only had the first recording validated.

[CP-2870] - Feature: Speech Engine Support for Vietnamese

The Speech Engine now has support for vi-VN recognition. At this time, there is no support for Text- To-Speech.

[CP-3074] - Feature: Test Case Alert Frequency

Users are now able to configure Test Cases to only alert once per failure type (same Step with the same error). A Satisfactory or Successful result will reset the alert state of the Test Case, so that the next failure will send an alert.

  • -  All existing Test Cases will be set to "Alert Always".

  • -  All new Test Cases will default to "Alert Once".

  • -  Importing pre-Cyara 6.8.0 Test Cases will default to "Alert Once".

    Previously, the Cyara Platform would send an alert for each individual failure, which could result in an unwanted number of failure emails. Please refer to the User Guide sections on creating Chat and Voice Test Cases for more information.

    [CP-3076] - Feature: Pause Campaign Schedule

    To avoid receiving alerts during a planned maintenance window, Campaigns can now be scheduled to be paused. Campaigns that can have a Schedule configured can now have pause windows added. Please refer to the User Guide section 'Creating and Running Campaigns' for more information.

    [CP-3110] - Feature: Active Alerts Report

    A new Report has been added to the Cyara Platform that highlights Pulse Campaigns in an alert state. Please refer to the User Guide section 'Active Alerts Report' for more information.

    [CP-3124] - Feature: Alert Messages

    Alert messages now contain the Step Number and Description of the Step that caused the alert to be sent. Previously, the message did not contain the Step Description.

    [CP-3176] - Feature: Alarm Notify Message Length

    Alarm Notify can now send SMS alerts longer than 160 characters. A maximum character limit can be configured in the Alarm Notify configuration file. Please refer to the Deployment Guide for more information.

[CP-3185] - Feature: CVA - Avaya TSAPI interaction data

Avaya Campaigns now include the following properties in interaction data:

  • -  Interaction.Avaya.DistributingDevice (attEvent.u.deliveredEvent.distributingDevice.deviceID)

  • -  Interaction.Avaya.DistributingVDN (attEvent.u.deliveredEvent.distributingVDN.deviceID)

  • -  Interaction.Avaya.Split (attEvent.u.deliveredEvent.split)

    These properties are fetched from the TSAPI event "private data ATTDeliveredEvent", and can be used to validate hunt group and device information. This will allow the validation of call routing information through a contact center.

    [CP-3200] - Feature: CVA - Data Validation support for Regex

    Regular expressions can now be used while performing data validation. Previously, validation could only be performed using exact matches. Please see the User Guide for more information on using a regex with CVA Data Validation.

    [CP-3221] - Feature: Export Crawler Model to Visio

    Crawler Models can now be exported to Visio, so that elements can be rearranged before printing. Please see the User Guide for more information on how to export to Visio.

    [CP-3250] - Feature: Prompt Analyzer Confidence Range

    The Prompt Analyzer now has a slider to set Minor/Major confidence thresholds when running validation. Previously, a single score determined if a recording had passed or failed validation. Please see the User Guide for more information on this feature.

    [CP-3253] - Feature: Configurable default Major/Minor Confidence values

    Minor/Major Confidence and MOS values can now have default values set in the Web Portal configuration file. All new Accounts created will use the configured value for the Account-level defaults.

    [CP-3372] - Feature: Identity authentication service

    A standalone Identity service built on top of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect has been added to the Platform. This component replaces the current authentication implementation in the Web Portal, and will be used by all components going forward for authentication. Please refer to the Deployment Guide for more information on installing and configuring the Identity service.

    [CP-3425] - Feature: Crawler - Export Directly to Web Portal

    Test Cases and Blocks generated by Crawler can now be generated and saved directly to the Web Portal. Additionally, the folder that these Test Cases and Blocks are saved to has a navigation link to the Crawler model that generated them. Previously, Test Cases and Blocks generated by Crawler had to be manually imported.

    [CP-987] - Changed: Plan Expiry Job

    The job that checks if Plan Expiry emails need to be sent has been optimized to make fewer database queries and run significantly faster.

    [CP-2555] - Changed: Uninstallation removing log folders

    A number of Cyara components were deleting log folders when uninstalled. Log file folders will now persist after the component has been uninstalled.

    [CP-3160] - Changed: Exporting results to ALM

    Exporting results to ALM now supports the new format for the minor/major confidence field. The first export after upgrading to Cyara 6.8.0 will rename the "Min Conf/MOS" column to "Major/Minor Confidence %/MOS". Previously, this field contained a single value, but it now contains two values separated by a forward slash.

[CP-3216] - Changed: Executive Dashboard Satisfactory Confidence

The satisfactory confidence level in the Executive Dashboard has been replaced with the new minor confidence threshold values from the relevant Test Cases. Test Cases must be updated with the desired minor confidence threshold value to maintain result parity with previous Dashboard releases.

[CP-3230] - Changed: Database performance improvements

Many reports in the Portal are now significantly faster due to datetime storage optimizations in the database.

[CP-3571] - Changed: Test Case Importing

Test Cases could be imported with fields that had more decimal precision than what was allowed to be entered through the UI. Decimal values will now be rounded on import with the same precision allowed through the UI.

[CP-1509] - Fixed: Crawler Fractional PSST values

Fractional PSST values less than 1 were incorrectly not able to be set on a Crawler Menu node. Values between 0.1 and 250 can now be entered as expected.

[CP-2041] - Fixed: Crawler - multiple Test Case generation windows

After switching from print view back to the normal view, selecting "Generate Test Cases" from the Action menu could occasionally cause a second window to appear.

[CP-2113] - Fixed: Call Engine InvalidOperation Exception

If the following conditions were met:

  1. 1)  an Outbound Campaign had been started with transcription enabled,

  2. 2)  a Call was just about to start, and

  3. 3)  the Campaign was then aborted

...the Full Call Recording could be prematurely closed before Dialogic had closed the transcription channel, resulting in an InvalidOperation Exception and the Call Engine crashing.

[CP-2521] - Fixed: Custom Pulse Reports

Custom Pulse reports with a large (>60) number of Campaigns or Test Cases could cause graphics to be incorrectly rendered over multiple pages. Graphics will now correctly be rendered on a single page.

[CP-2716] - Fixed: User-selectable Accounts dropdown

If a User was attached to a large number of Accounts, the dropdown to select an Account could incorrectly exceed the page boundary. This has been changed to a scrollable list.

[CP-2829] - Fixed: NICE audio streaming

Attempting to stream audio from NICE that had not yet been written to disk was causing ACR to report an error. The Cyara Voice Quality service will now attempt to stream the file multiple times before reporting an error.

[CP-2845] - Fixed: CRV - Coordinator failed to retrieve audio stream

Under certain circumstances, the CRV Coordinator would fail to retrieve a recording from the Call Recording Platform. The delay between subsequent attempts to fetch call recordings has been increased.

[CP-2872] - Fixed: NICE Recordings with leading silence

NICE Call Recordings with leading silence were causing MOS calculation errors when compared with the Cyara recording. Leading silence is now trimmed to match the start of the Cyara Recording.

[CP-2921] - Fixed: CVA - Agent Campaign Historical Reports

Pop-up donut charts for Historical Agent Campaigns were incorrectly displaying all data, instead of just the category that was hovered over.

[CP-2928] - Fixed: Large Audit Log Export

Attempting to export a large amount of data from the Audit Logs could raise an Out of Memory exception. The Export mechanism has been made more robust to handle these situations.

[CP-2960] - Fixed: Executive Dashboard Audit Logs

The Details field for Executive Dashboard Audit Logs now includes more information about events.

[CP-2961] - Fixed: Sound blip or earcon in call resulting in premature PSST

A sound blip in a call prior to speech starting could result in the PSST timer starting earlier than expected. If Speech was not detected before the PSST threshold configured in the Test Case, the Step would be marked as failed with "No Match".

[CP-2969] - Fixed: Waveform Visualization

Waveforms were not being rendered when the user's browser was set to a culture that used a comma to denote the decimal point. The Web Portal will now render waveforms correctly, regardless of the browser culture.

[CP-2995] - Fixed: Call Engine QoS Errors with no audio

Calls that were answered and immediately disconnected before any audio had been sent/received were incorrectly being logged as having 100% packet loss.

[CP-3007] - Fixed: Crawler Test Case generation

Exported Test Cases were not using the supplied 'Min Confidence' value set on the Export Settings screen, and were incorrectly being generated with the system default of 80%. Test Cases are now exported with the values set on the Export Settings screen.

[CP-3025] - Fixed: CRV - Unhandled exception calculating quality score

When attempting to calculate a quality score from a corrupted audio file, an unhandled exception was being raised. This case is now properly logged instead of raising an exception.

[CP-3126] - Fixed: Screenshot Carousel Improvements

The screenshot carousel displayed when viewing detailed Chat and Agent Campaign results has received a number of fixes:

  1. When enlarging an image, it will now fit to the center of the screen. Previously, it would fit to the browser's width.

  2. Enlarged images were incorrectly stretching below the control bar.

[CP-3132] - Fixed: CVA - Desktop Manager slow to open

Attempting to open the Agent Desktop Manager while an Agent Desktop Campaign was in progress was resulting in long (>5min) load times.

[CP-3174] - Fixed: CRV - NICE Server disconnection

The ACR Coordinator will now gracefully stop Campaigns when it receives the 'CLS_SERVER_DISCONNECT' event, and put the Campaign in to an Internal Error state. Previously, an unhandled exception would be thrown when the event was received.

[CP-3175] - Fixed: CRV process stuck in infinite loop

Under certain conditions, CRV processes created for each Test Case recording validation could get stuck in an infinite loop if the connection to the NICE server was lost. These processes will now attempt to reestablish a connection, and will terminate if the request is cancelled from the Web Portal.

[CP-3300] - Fixed: CVA - Agent Desktop Manager fails to terminate

Under certain circumstances, the Agent Desktop Manager process would fail to terminate, even though the executable had been closed.

[CP-3304] - Fixed: Omni Scheduler Memory Leak

The Omni Scheduler was incorrectly leaving objects in memory once Campaigns had finished running. Over a long period of time, an OutOfMemory exception could occur which would crash the Omni Scheduler.

[CP-3339] - Fixed: Data Driven Feed Step Parameters

Requests from the Voice or Omni Schedulers to the Data-Driven Feed service were incorrectly formatting the number of Step parameters, which resulted in Step parameters not being available in queries. This has been fixed.

[CP-3343] - Fixed: CRV Logging

A single log file is now used by CRV. Previously, CRV created a log file per interaction with the call recording implementation.

[CP-3395] - Fixed: CVA - Agent Desktop Custom Activity

Agents with a custom activity including an interaction detection script, as well as an error script, could fail to execute the custom activity.

[CP-3396] - Fixed: CVA - Interaction Detection Scripts

Custom activity interaction detection scripts were incorrectly unable to use run-time interaction data and agent data. Run-Time interaction data and agent data is now available to interaction detection scripts.

[CP-3420] - Fixed: Speech Engine exceptions when FPA enabled

Enabling the False Positive Algorithm (FPA) was causing the Speech Engine to occasionally log an exception when the final segment of audio was slightly smaller than expected.

[CP-3457] - Fixed: Crawler Tree Rendering

Clicking "Save Settings" on the Settings tab would result in problems rendering the Crawler model after navigating back to the tree view tab. These rendering issues have been fixed. Additionally, clicking "Save Settings" will now navigate to the tree view tab after saving.

[CP-3492] - Fixed: CRV heartbeating

The heartbeat between the Voice Scheduler and the CRV Coordinator was too infrequent, which could cause the Voice Scheduler to prematurely abort Campaigns with CRV enabled. Heartbeats have been increased in frequency to avoid this issue.

[CP-3519] - Fixed: Chat Pulse Memory Leak

A number of stability improvements have been made to the Chat Coordinator to prevent memory leaks after prolonged continuous usage.

[CP-3534] - Fixed: CRV not saving Agent Call Recording

If the following conditions were met:

  1. 1)  a Pulse Campaign running with CRV was enabled,

  2. 2)  the Campaign had 'Save Recording Audio' enabled, and

  3. 3)  the Campaign had 'Check Recording Quality' disabled

...then this incorrectly resulted in the call recording being marked as 'Pending', and no call recording audio being saved.

[CP-3582] - Fixed: CRV detailed pulse result export

Data points in the detailed result export incorrectly didn't match the values displayed in the Web Portal. The report has been fixed to match the values in the Web Portal.

[CP-3611] - Fixed: CSV Custom Pulse Reports

If the following conditions were met:

  1. 1)  custom Pulse Report were scheduled to be sent in the future,

  2. 2)  the Report format was set to CSV, and

  3. 3)  the Report period was set to a custom range

...then the report would fail to send when scheduled.

[CP-3623] - Fixed: Min/Max Pause times in ALM export

Test Cases exported to ALM incorrectly had the Min/Max Pause time values exported in the wrong order. Test Cases are now exported with the values in the correct order.

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