Platform Release Version 6.2.0

[CP-96] - Feature: Custom Pulse Reports

Cyara now provides the ability to create custom Pulse reports that may be scheduled for delivery via email. This release provides a whole new Pulse summary report that allows users to:

  • Specify filters on specific Campaigns, Test Cases, or Failure reasons and save these as custom reports.
  • Schedule these reports to be delivered via email at custom intervals. The report can be emailed in PDF or CSV format.
  • Define the severity level (high, medium, low) reported for each failure reason.

[CP-66] - Feature: CVA - Campaign ramp-up

CVA campaigns can now specify a ramp-up duration in seconds, allowing Agents to be gradually logged in, instead of attempting to all log in simultaneously.

[CP-274] - Feature: Campaign Name in email Alerts

The name of the Campaign is now included in email Alerts.

[CP-561] - Feature: Test Case Path in email Alerts

The full folder path of the Test Case is now included in email Alerts.

[CP-562] - Feature: Heartbeat between Call Engine and Voice Scheduler

CPE networking equipment responsible for providing the connection between the Voice Scheduler and the Call Engine is often incorrectly configured and silently terminates the connection when idle for long periods of time. To rectify this, Call Engines now send a heartbeat to the Voice Scheduler at regular intervals to keep the connection alive.

[CP-566] - Feature: Audio playback waveform visualization

The Web Portal now displays a waveform visualization of call recordings during playback.

[CP-568] - Feature: Saving a Test Case

Test Cases now have a "Save" button, in addition to their standard "Save & Run" button, which allows changes to be saved without navigating away from the page.

[CP-575] - Feature: CVA - Cisco Finesse support

CVA now includes full support for Cisco Finesse. Please see the 'Virtual Agent' page in the Cyara User Guide for a full list of supported Cisco Finesse functionality.

[CP-587] - Feature: Maintenance Mode

The Cyara Platform now has a Maintenance Mode page.
A Super Administrator can enable this mode when the Cyara Platform needs to undergo maintenance.

Maintenance Mode disables non-Super Administrator access to the Portal, and terminates all non-Super Administrator sessions.

Please see the Maintenance Mode page in the Web Portal for more details.

[CP-589] - Feature: Alert email when Ports are exceeded

An email Alert is now sent when a Campaign starts and exceeds the number of Ports available. Previously, Pulse Campaigns would not be automatically rescheduled when Ports were exceeded. Pulse Campaigns will now be rescheduled to run at the next interval specified by the Campaign schedule.

[CP-490] - Feature: Chat Coordinator host address

The Chat Coordinator's host address can now be set in the configuration file. This will allow the test runners to communicate directly to the host in environments where localhost addressing is unavailable.

[CP-567] - Feature: HTML5 native audio playback

Audio playback in the Portal no longer requires third-party browser plugins (WMP, Quicktime, VLC, etc). The Portal now provides native HTML5 audio playback.

[CP-595] - Feature: Report Circle Charts

All circle charts in reports will now show a breakout on mouseover when relevant.

[CP-602] - Feature: Pulse Report filtering intervals

Pulse Reports now include additional filtering intervals of 15 and 30 minutes.

[CP-625] - Feature: Plan expiry emails for all Plan types

The Plan expiry notification email list can now be set for all Plans, instead of only for the Pulse and Replay Plan types.

[CP-612] - Changed: Active Directory login failure log messages

Some AD login failure log messages now make the root cause clearer in the Web Portal log files.

[CP-264] - Changed: Additional details in SNMP trap alerts

SNMP trap alerts now include much greater detail including:

  • The name of the Campaign
  • The name of the Test Case (including folder path)
  • The description of the Test Case
  • The detailed result of the failure (including step number where applicable)
  • The alarm message of the Test Case (same as Pulse email alert message)

Additionally, the DateTimes in the SNMP trap messages are now encoded correctly instead of being sent as plain strings.

[CP-209] - Changed: CVA - Avaya AES Pending Request feature

The Ready, Not Ready, and After Call Work Activities now utilize the Avaya Pending Request feature so that call status changes can be completed automatically.

[CP-195] - Changed: CVA - Behavior Media Type dropdowns

On Cyara Platforms without Cyara Chat functionality, the Media Type dropdown was still being displayed.

[CP-211] - Changed: Updated REST API error messages

Attempting to fetch Voice or Agent Campaigns with an ID of 0 now correctly warn that the Campaign could not be found. This change has been made to the v2.0 and v2.1 REST APIs.

[CP-247] - Changed: Agent Behavior Activity field 'Transfer Destination' validation

The Transfer Destination field has had all validation removed to accommodate the large variety of potential inputs.

[CP-536] - Changed: Voice Scheduler failing on startup

The Voice Scheduler was starting before dependent services had been started, and was then failing to start correctly. It now always installs configured for Automatic Delayed startup.

[CP-223] - Fixed: CVA - Reporting on Attached Data

Attached data values were only displaying when a match could not be made. The Attached Data value is now shown for both successful and unsuccessful matches.

[CP-378] - Fixed: Database deadlocking

A number of database queries which had the potential to deadlock have been rewritten.

[CP-91] - Fixed: CVA - Campaign results not saved correctly

Fixed a race condition that could cause missing records, or partial duplicate records under very rare circumstances.

[CP-92] - Fixed: Account grid sorting

Grid order is now maintained after selecting an Account.

[CP-186] - Fixed: Chat Test Case Step data incorrect on import

Importing Chat Test Cases with Steps with an empty ExpectedText field were incorrectly setting the Minor/Major thresholds to 0 seconds.

[CP-190] - Fixed: Chat Coordinator storage path

Test runners were failing to start if the configured storage path did not exist. Now, if the configured path does not exist, the Coordinator will automatically create a storage folder in its own application installation folder.

[CP-196] - Fixed: Stuck Call Engine Ports

In certain circumstances, Campaigns were not stopping cleanly and were unable to deallocate Call Engine Ports. This was causing future Campaign Runs to fail with a Ports Exceeded error. Free Port calculation logic has been fixed to handle these situations.

[CP-307] - Fixed: Plan expiry notifications not always sent

Plans that were updated after a pre-expiry/expiry notification had been sent were not getting their alert status reset.

[CP-309] - Fixed: Chat Campaign ignoring optional Step Results

Optional Step status was not impacting the overall status of a Test Case Run. Now, when an optional Step fails, the Test Case Run will continue and be marked as failed. When a critical Step fails, the Test Case Run will be stopped and marked as failed.

[CP-343] - Fixed: Custom Portal database timeouts in web.config not adhered to

Prior to this change, if a custom database-query timeout was configured in web.config, some of the Portal's database queries were able to ignore that custom setting.

[CP-352] - Fixed: Aborted Chat Campaigns

A race condition existed that could cause Campaigns to be aborted when requesting sessions from two or more Chat Coordinators.

[CP-379] - Fixed: Slow loading of multiple Test Cases inside a folder

Performance of loading Test Cases inside a folder has been improved.

[CP-393] - Fixed: Pulse Detail Report Timescale

The graph scaling issues for the 'Last Hour' on the Pulse Reporting Dashboard are now fixed.

[CP-488] - Fixed: Concurrent validation of the same Test Case

A Test Case can now be validated simultaneously by multiple Users.

[CP-542] - Fixed: Toggling Call Engine State in Web Portal

Call Engines can now be toggled from the Voice Scheduler page without causing errors to be logged.

[CP-550] - Fixed: Date range when exporting detailed Campaign Run results

Exporting detailed Campaign Run results could return results outside of the specified date range.

[CP-551] - Fixed: Test Cases incorrectly listed in confirmation dialog on delete

When deleting multiple Test Cases on Oracle platforms, the last Test Case to have been deleted would be incorrectly displayed in the confirmation dialog for the next Test Case delete.

[CP-552] - Fixed: Wrong number of entries shown on Missing Audio Files screen

Missing Audio files were sometimes showing duplicate entries on the Test Case Audio page. Additionally, the Test Cases and Blocks are now displayed with their full folder path.

[CP-556] - Fixed: Additional debugging information visible for Test Case Run results

For Voice Test Case Run results, Super Administrators can now see the ticket for an individual Test Case Run, as well as the Call Engine that the call completed on.

For Chat Test Case Run results, Super Administrators can now see the ticket for an individual Test Case Run, as well as the Chat Coordinator endpoint that the session completed on.

[CP-557] - Fixed: Paths to non-existent audio files included when exporting results

Exported Test Case Results no longer contain links to audio files that do not exist.

[CP-558] - Fixed: Pulse Call Records

Pulse calls were incorrectly listed as Validations in the Call Records screen.

[CP-559] - Fixed: Error when running Cyara 6.0.0 database update scripts

Upgrading the database of pre-Cyara 6.0.0 installations to Cyara 6.0.0 or higher would cause an error to be thrown when Test Cases and their history were missing.

[CP-569] - Fixed: Improved accuracy for Campaign Scheduled Run Date

The Scheduled Run Date now displays the true next-run date, taking in to account time-based Pulse constraints (e.g., Campaign can run between 9:00am and 5:00pm on weekdays).

Example: If a Pulse Campaign is set to run every hour on the half hour between 9:00am and 5:00pm, after the test run at 4:30pm, the Scheduled run date will now display 9:30am on the following day, instead of 5:30pm.

[CP-570] - Fixed: Voice Scheduler Installer ignored specified database port

The configuration file is now correctly updated with the port specified during installation.

[CP-574] - Fixed: CVA - Real-time status report incorrectly showing Agent state

Agent state is now displayed correctly after a Behavior finishes unsuccessfully.

[CP-581] - Fixed: CVA - Calls dropped in Avaya environments under load

When a new call was placed immediately after another had finished, the new call was being dropped as part of Behavior completion for the initial call.

[CP-590] - Fixed: Error when attempting to edit a Test Case

If the following conditions were met...

  • A Block is edited inside a Test Case and saved,

  • The Test Case is validated, and

  • The "Edit Test Case" link is clicked from the validation screen

...a general error would be displayed. This has now been rectified.

[CP-592] - Fixed: Creating a Voice Test Case when an Account's default language is disabled

A warning is now displayed when attempting to save a Voice Test Case on an Account that has its default language disabled in the Cyara Platform. Previously, this would raise an exception.

[CP-593] - Fixed: Web Portal installs to wrong website

Previously, the installer would always install to the website in IIS that was bound to port 80, regardless of selection.

[CP-594] - Fixed: Temporary Audio File Purging

A more fault tolerant implementation of Audio File purging on IIS application pool startup has been implemented.

[CP-600] - Fixed: Improved uploading large files to Prompt Analyzer

The default Portal configuration allowed audio files of up to 50MB to be uploaded, but the default request size for IIS was 30MB. The default IIS request size has been increased to match the allowed audio upload file size.

[CP-603] - Fixed: Hanging Chat Campaigns

In some circumstances, Campaigns with a single concurrent session and a high number of actions per second caused the Campaign to hang.

[CP-604] - Fixed: Exception when checking for the existence of audio file

Checking for the existence of audio files has been made more robust.

[CP-605] - Fixed: Avaya error not displayed in Web Portal

Under certain circumstances, an error received from an Avaya switch was being logged in CVA, but the error was not being reflected in the Web Portal.

[CP-624] - Fixed: Error when stopping the Voice Scheduler service

If the Voice Scheduler was started with an invalid connection string, an error would be logged but the service would continue to run. Attempting to stop the service would then display an error. The service will now no longer start successfully if a connection to the database cannot be made.

[CP-630] - Fixed: CVA - Behavior failing under load when releasing call

Avaya environments were occasionally seeing Behaviors fail when releasing calls under load.

[CP-631] - Fixed: CVA - Removed Attached Data formatting

Interaction reports in the Web Portal were wrapping the value of the attached data field in single quotes, which was misleading. The values are now displayed as is, without any formatting.

[CP-684] - Fixed: Form fields reset when Agent Campaign validation fails

Attempting to save an Agent Campaign with the 'Run for' field empty was clearing all Agents from the Campaign.

[CP-708] - Fixed: Web Portal deadlocking on Block update

Updating a Block used in a Test Case causes the list of audio files used in a Test Case to be rebuilt. This was causing a deadlock situation when a large amount of Test Cases were using the same Block. This rebuild is now skipped if the Block does not have any audio file changes.

If the Block is data driven, or there are audio file changes, the audio file list will still need to be recalculated for every Test Case using the Block.

[CP-732] - Fixed: Portal crash on large Chat Pulse report export

The Portal was crashing when attempting to export more than 1,000 Chat Pulse results at a time.

[CP-733] - Fixed: Disabled Chat Pulse Campaigns

A disabled Chat Pulse Campaign would continue to execute as per schedule, if the first failure was due to exceeded ports.

[CP-793] - Fixed: Test Case Run results retrieval

Better performance when retrieving Voice and Chat Test Case Run results.

[CP-828] - Fixed: CVA - Historical Reports showing in-progress interactions as failed

In Cyara Platform installations using Oracle, Cyara Virtual Agent historical reports were incorrectly showing in- progress interactions as being unsuccessful.

[CP-867] - Fixed: CVA - Reporting for failed non-critical Activities

When Behaviors were failing on non-critical Activities (such as attaching data), the summary chart and detailed results were inconsistent.

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