Platform Release Version 7.1.0

[CP-4260] - Feature: CVA - Desktop Campaign runs

Agent Desktop Campaigns will now wait for Desktops to respond, but if some are not available, they will be excluded from the Campaign Run. Desktops that were not available at the start of the Campaign will be shown as "LoggedOut" in the Real-Time and Historical Reports. Previously, the Campaign would fail to start if one or more Desktops were unavailable.

[CP-4721] - Feature: Account-based Port Usage Report

An additional Port Usage report has been added that shows the total and per-Campaign Port Usage for the current Account.

[CP-4789] - Feature: Dashboard - Reload all active Dashboards

When a new version of the Portal or Dashboard is installed, it may be incompatible with the previously installed version. A "Reload" button has been added to the Platform Configuration page, which will trigger a refresh of all loaded Dashboards. Previously, each dashboard had to be reloaded individually.

[CP-4979] - Feature: Dashboard failure Alerts

Alerts can now be generated on Dashboard status changes. An alert can be configured on the Alarm Profiles page to send an email and/or SMS when a Dashboard fails or is marked satisfactory. Please refer to the User Guide for more information.

[CP-5055] - Feature: Crawler - Support for Indian English Speakers

Indian English voices (en-IN, male and female) are now available when creating a Speaker in CX models.

[CP-5094] - Feature: Additional Speech Engine language support

The Speech Engine now supports Jordanian (ar-JO) and Worldwide (ar-WW) Arabic recognition. Additionally, the following voices have been made available for TTS generation if using Vocalizer: ar-WW Maged
ar-WW Laila

[CP-5229] - Feature: Dashboard - Multiple Dashboards per Account

Multiple Dashboards for an Account can now be created from the Executive Dashboard configuration menu.

[CP-5232] - Feature: Executive Dashboard Admin Role

A new role, 'Executive Dashboard Admin', has been enabled to allow a User to Create, Update, and Delete Dashboards. Users with the 'Administration' Role will receive this new Role when upgrading to Cyara 7.1.0 or higher.

[CP-5250] - Feature: CVA - Cisco Finesse Reason Codes

CVA now supports the usage of reason codes for Cisco Finesse Virtual Agents.

[CP-5286] - Feature: Linking of Voice and Agent Campaigns

Velocity Voice Test Cases now can have an Agent Step added for attached data validation. The Inbound Campaign Run can then be synchronized with a running Virtual Agent Campaign to validate Customer and Agent experience using a single Test Case. This feature is only available on-premises, for Accounts with both Velocity and Agent Plans.

[CP-5291] - Feature: Dashboard - Custom ordering of Service Groups

It is now possible to define your own order for the Service Groups listed within a Dashboard. Users can either drag and drop the services from the edit Dashboard page, or add a numeric value when editing a Service Group.

[CP-5296] - Feature: Dashboard - Web and Email Channels

Web and Email Pulse Campaign Results can now be displayed on the Executive Dashboard.

[CP-5299] - Feature: Voice Test Case Validation

The Test Cases & Blocks page now exposes a button for all Voice Test Cases that will allow an Administrator to run a Test Case Validation without having to navigate to the Edit Test Case screen.

[CP-5343] - Feature: CVA - Desktop Manager Remote Audio

Additional configuration options have been added to the Agent Desktop Manager to control remote audio playback and recording.

[CP-5363] - Feature: Crawler - New Generic es-US Female & Male Transcribers

New female and male Transcribers for Crawler have been trained with a variety of different voices, to provide generic speech recognition for Spanish American accounts.

[CP-5368] - Feature: Crawler - Supported Base Voices for Speakers

Male and female Voice base options are now available when creating a Speaker in CX models for the following languages: French (France), Spanish (Spain), German (Germany), Dutch (Netherlands), and Italian (Italy).

[CP-5390] - Feature: Database Purge utility - Purge only Successful Results

A new 'Pare' Operation has been added to the Database Utilities that will only purge recordings for successful Test Results.

[CP-5403] - Feature: Voice Scheduler Administration page

The Running Campaigns list on the Web Portal's Voice Scheduler Administration page now also displays the Account ID and Campaign Name.

[CP-5406] - Feature: REST API v2.5

This release of the Cyara Platform features a new v2.5 RESTful API.
Some of the highlights of this version include:
- All timestamps are now ISO-8601 in UTC Zulu (previously ISO-8601, in local server time)
- A new route that lists historical Campaign Run IDs
- Campaign end date is returned when a response contains a Campaign entity
Please note: Versions 1.0 to 2.4 of the REST API will continue to return ISO-8601 formatted timestamps in the server's local time. Full documentation for the API is available at:

[CP-5469] - Feature: Voice Scheduler Maintenance Mode revamp

1. Settings have been moved from the Voice Scheduler screen to the Maintenance Mode screen. 2. Now has 3 modes: Disabled, All Accounts, and Exclude Accounts.
3. Maintenance mode is now reversible; previously, it required a restart of the Voice Scheduler service.

4. Restarting, or re-installing, the Voice Scheduler service will no longer end Maintenance Mode. Please refer to the User Guide section "Maintenance Mode", or the Maintenance Mode page in the Web Portal, for more information about what happens when Maintenance Mode is enabled.

[CP-5535] - Feature: Dashboard - Real-time charting of MOS scores

A new Service Group type for charting certain numerical values, including MOS Scores, has been added.

[CP-5536] - Feature: Dashboard - Failed Test Result Threshold

The Category used for incrementing the failed Test Results threshold can now be configured per Service Group. Previously, only the "Answering" category could be used. Pulse Retry can still only be enabled if the Failure category is set to "Answering".

[CP-5553] - Feature: CVA - Desktop Manager Color Depth

The required Color Depth for remote connections can now be configured in the Agent Desktop Manager.

[CP-4384] - Changed: Improved Port Usage report performance

The Port Usage report now loads faster due to optimized database procedures.

[CP-4774] - Changed: Campaign Stitching limit increased

The limitation (260 characters worth of Campaign IDs) on the number of Campaigns that can be stitched is imposed by web browser limitations. Url Parameters are now used instead, which raises the maximum limit to 2083 characters.

[CP-4782] - Changed: Full-screen Web Portal

To make better use of web browser real estate, the Web Portal UI will now default to full screen mode for all new Users. Existing Users can toggle full-screen mode from the user context menu in the top-right corner of the screen.

[CP-4837] - Changed: Test Case Import and Export

Import/Export of Cyara Test Cases in Excel format is no longer supported.

[CP-4883] - Changed: Improved Pulse report performance

Viewing Pulse reports was noticeably slower for large data sets. The performance of these queries has been markedly improved.

[CP-5180] - Changed: Alarm Notify retired

The functionality of Alarm Notify has been merged into the Cyara Notification service. The Alarm Notify component is no longer needed in a Cyara Platform deployment.

[CP-5457] - Changed: Crawler - Delete Model Node

When deleting a Node, it will now select and display the properties of the parent Node. Previously, the properties of the deleted Node would still be displayed.

[CP-5468] - Changed: Login screen refresh

The login screen for the Web Portal has been redesigned to be more streamlined, and to also allow for announcements to be displayed on Cyara hosted Platforms.

[CP-5516] - Changed: Platform Installer Consistency

All Cyara Platform Components now display a consistent name in Add/Remove Programs and the Windows Services screen, and have the same install folder naming conventions.

[CP-5623] - Changed: Campaign Report Performance improvements

A number of Campaign Reports now load quicker due to optimized database queries.

[CP-5680] - Changed: Velocity - Test Case Barge-In checkbox

The Barge-In checkbox for Velocity Test Cases has been removed. The checkbox was intended to enable priority Transcription, but was mistaken as a replacement for the BargeIn tag. Velocity Test Case Transcription now uses default priority recognition (equivalent to the Barge-In being unchecked).

[CP-1629] - Fixed: Test Case popup editor

When editing the Expect to Hear or Reply With field of a Test Case, if the mouse click was released outside of the pop-up editor when selecting text, then the editor would be closed instead of selecting the text.

[CP-4050] - Fixed: Chat Coordinator Service Start

If the Message Bus was unavailable when starting the Chat Coordinator service, the service would incorrectly fail to start without logging any bus connection attempt failures. The service will now start regardless of Message Bus availability, and will now also log connection failure attempts.

[CP-4266] - Fixed: Prompt Analyzer Confidence Score Mismatch

When a Confidence range is configured for a MPSR Step in a Test Case, in some scenarios the Test Result reported by the Web Portal could show a different confidence score when analyzing the same Step through the Prompt Analyzer.

[CP-4313] - Fixed: Result Details when MaxAudioLength exceeded

Under certain circumstances, a Test Case which failed because a MaxAudioLength Tag duration had been exceeded, was incorrectly recorded as an "Expected n steps..." failure, instead of "Abandoning call because audio length exceeded maximum duration...".

[CP-4563] - Fixed: Audio Waveform not displaying

Specific audio file length and browser width combinations could cause the audio waveform visualizer to fail to display.

[CP-4662] - Fixed: UI behavior on edit Test Case screen

Pressing the 'Enter' key when on the "Choose Audio File" pop-up while editing a data-driven Expect to Hear field was incorrectly attempting to save the Test Case, which could produce validation errors. Pressing 'Enter' will now only close the pop-up.

[CP-4707] - Fixed: Database Purge Utility running as Scheduled Task

The Database Purge Utility was failing to run correctly when invoked from the Windows Task Scheduler.

[CP-4748] - Fixed: SMS Coordinator Memory Leak

After many hours of continuous Campaign execution, due a to a memory leak, the SMS Coordinator could start logging Invalid Operation Exceptions.

[CP-4877] - Fixed: Campaign Stitching

The Campaign Stitching option on the Campaign Reports page was incorrectly only being displayed after applying result filters. It is now visible when navigating directly to the Reports page.

[CP-4915] - Fixed: Dashboard - Spot size not always preserved

It was possible for some Spots on the Executive Dashboard to include fewer Test Cases than specified in the configuration.

[CP-4919] - Fixed: Crawler - Test Case Generation Failing

If a Crawler Model had multiple nodes with the same name, attempting to generate Test Cases with Blocks would result in the generation being aborted before completion due to conflicting Block names. If multiple Blocks with the same name are detected, they will now be generated with some of the prompt text appended to the Block name.

[CP-4923] - Fixed: Dashboard - Ticker configuration popup

On the Executive Dashboard Ticker configuration page, it was possible to open both the Outage and Information Alert popup dialogs at the same time and then not be able to submit or close them.

[CP-4926] - Fixed: Call Engine Exception

Intermittently, the Call Engine would log an InvalidOperationException during a call disconnection. This has been fixed. This issue was only causing an incorrect message to be logged, and was not affecting test results.

[CP-4930] - Fixed: Prompt Analyzer Language Tag

The Prompt Analyzer now checks the Notes field for a Language Tag. If present, it will be used during recognition. The Account's default language will be used if no Tag is supplied in the Notes field.

[CP-5009] - Fixed: Phone numbers in CSV Exports

Test Case Phone numbers in CSV exports are now properly enclosed in quotes so that the phone number is correctly presented if it has a comma in it.

[CP-5011] - Fixed: Long Step Recording Handling

Very long recordings might cause Step Results to be incorrectly marked as failed, and could also cause the Prompt Analyzer to hang when analyzing the Step recording.

[CP-5098] - Fixed: Velocity - Saving a Test Case while Transcription is running

Attempting to save a Test Case while a Transcription is running will now display a pop-up message informing the user that the Transcription is still running. Previously, this would result in an unrelated validation error being displayed.

[CP-5123] - Fixed: CVA - Historical Reports

Attempting to load historical reports for Agent Campaigns with a very large number of Interactions could occasionally result in either a timeout or the report only being partially loaded.

[CP-5212] - Fixed: Improved Pulse Alert robustness

If an exception was raised while attempting to send an SMS alert, additional alerting avenues (e.g. email) were incorrectly not being sent, and the Alert Status would not be updated correctly. This event is now handled, and additional logging has been added.

[CP-5223] - Fixed: Campaign Start Time

When creating a Campaign associated with a Plan that starts in the future, the default scheduled start time of the Campaign is now set to the same start time as the Plan.

[CP-5228] - Fixed: Crawler deadlock

Use of the Crawler (CX-Model) pages in the Web Portal ran database queries that could potentially block each other.

[CP-5252] - Fixed: Chat Coordinator Message Bus Resiliency

Chat Coordinators will now attempt to reconnect to the Message Bus indefinitely on connection loss. Previously, the service would be stopped after a few re-connection attempts, requiring it to be manually restarted after Message Bus connectivity was restored. Note: Test Results during this period are not buffered and can be lost.

[CP-5264] - Fixed: Crawler - Spaces in Phone Number

When crawling a Model, the IVR Crawler would strip all spaces from the Phone Number Field. Tags (e.g. {EarlyMedia TreatRingingAsConnected}) would also have spaces stripped, and the Call Engine would fail to start a call due to invalid Tags. The IVR Crawler no longer strips spaces from the Phone Number field.

[CP-5276] - Fixed: Pulse Detail report performance

Pulse Detail reports now load significantly faster due to optimized database queries.

[CP-5285] - Fixed: Dashboard - Improved matching for the Completed category

The Completed category now acts as a "catch all" for matching a failed Test Case that has not been matched on any other category. This ensures that a Service Group will show a failure when a Test Case fails for any reason.

[CP-5357] - Fixed: Web Test Cases failing at Step 0

If a Web Test Case failed on Step 0 due to an invalid URL or unreachable website, the failure was incorrectly being reported against Step 1. The Test Case will now fail with a connection error on Step 0.

[CP-5369] - Fixed: Velocity Transcription error messages

Error messages containing quote characters were failing to display properly.

[CP-5372] - Fixed: Speech Proxy Installation

The SpeechProxy was incorrectly being installed only for the current user. It is now visible in Add/Remove programs to all users.

[CP-5400] - Fixed: CyaraShare user Validation during Web Portal Installation

When installing the Web Portal, if the CyaraShare user credentials supplied were for an Active Directory user, the installer would fail to validate the credentials and a local Windows user account would need to be used to continue with the installation.

[CP-5428] - Fixed: Dashboard - Results not updating

Under certain conditions, results on the Executive Dashboard were not updating in real-time.

[CP-5439] - Fixed: Channel Sort Order

Tables sorted by Channel were not correctly displayed in alphabetical order.

[CP-5532] - Fixed: CVA - Key Value dropdown improvement

When editing Key Value attributes that have a type, the type dropdowns were not being hidden when clicking on another control.

[CP-5561] - Fixed: Dashboard - Custom Category labels

Editing of Custom Category labels was not working correctly. This has been resolved and changes are now saved correctly.

[CP-5709] - Fixed: Crawler - Test Case Validation

Occasionally, Crawler Test Case Validation could timeout while waiting for a response.

[CP-5768] - Fixed: Transcription training data collection failure

Generation of Transcription Training Data was failing when an audio file was not present. If an audio file is not found, the training data set will now be built without the missing audio files.

[CP-5833] - Fixed: Outbound Campaign with PreConnect Audio

Under heavy load, running an Outbound Campaign that included Test Cases with PreConnect Audio could cause the Call Engine to crash with a System.IO.IOException.

[CP-5866] - Fixed: Call Engine SIP INFO request

Call Engines now repond to SIP INFO requests with a 200 OK response.
Previously, the CallEngine would ignore incoming SIP INFO requests, and some SIP agents would then terminate the SIP session if they received no response.

[CP-5903] - Fixed: Velocity - Expect to Hear transcription

Velocity Expect to Hear transcription in Test Cases was failing to run for regular user accounts with the "Administration" role.

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