Platform Release Version 7.2.0

[CP-3659] - Feature: CVA - Historical Reports

Historical Reports for Agent Campaign Runs, which have a corresponding synchronized Voice Campaign Run, will now include details from the Voice Campaign Run.

[CP-5137] - Feature: CX-AX Cloud

The on-premises CX-AX feature has been extended so that a Cyara Cloud Platform can synchronize Inbound Voice Campaign Results with Agent Campaign Results that ran on a customer's on-premises installation.

[CP-5479] - Feature: SMS Channel enhancements

A number of enhancements have been made to the SMS Channel, including:
1) SMS Coordinators can now be configured to talk to multiple SMS Providers. Previously, each SMS Coordinator could only be configured to communicate with a single Provider at a time.
2) SMS Coordinators can now be configured to use the SMPP protocol as one of the supported Providers. This enables communication to an SMS gateway for sending and receiving SMS messages. 3) The Provider to use is now inferred from the Mobile Number specified in the Test Case.

[CP-5689] - Feature: Login page management

A login page management screen has been added to Portal. The page is available only to users with the new "Marketing" role.

[CP-5963] - Feature: Dashboard - Web hook alarms

Web Hooks have been made available for Dashboard Alarm Profiles. This will allow an external endpoint to be called whenever an Alarm is triggered. A template has been provided to enable notification to a Slack channel.

[CP-5968] - Feature: Number Tag maximum length

The Number Tag can now optionally handle more than the default of 2 decimal places, up to a maximum of 9. Please refer to the User Guide for more information.

[CP-5984] - Feature: Crawler/Velocity - Support for German-Speaking IVRs

The Cyara Platform now has support for Crawling German-speaking IVRs, as well as auto- transcription of German in Velocity. Please note that this feature does not include a German User Interface in the Portal.

[CP-6047] - Feature: CX Models - Additional quality criteria for Test Case generation

CX Models can now have the full quality criteria for prompts configured. It is possible to enter: Min/Max Pause Time, Minor/Major Threshold, and Voice Quality via MPSR or PESQ with a reference audio file.

[CP-6049] - Feature: SMS - Whitelist of mobile numbers

To prevent unwanted messages interfering with running SMS Test Cases, an allowed list of mobile numbers and alphanumeric senders can be configured per Account.

[CP-6066] - Feature: Dashboard - Alert Incident Number

When a Service fails for the first time, an incident number will be assigned to it. This number will then be quoted when the Service has been cleared. This will help to correlate the original failure and the clearing alert.

[CP-6076] - Feature: Conditional Test Case Distribution Profile

A new Test Case distribution profile has been made available for Pulse Campaigns, which executes Test Cases in order if the previous Test Case failed. Please refer to the User Guide for more information.

[CP-6089] - Feature: CRV - CLI prefix support

Some Call Recording systems modify the CLI based on internal rules for example, add the prefix "1" to all internal calls. A CLI prefix can be specified in the Call Recording environments to allow Cyara to match the recordings with the right calls. Previously, calls which had the CLI modified would fail to be validated by CRV.

[CP-6387] - Feature: CX Models - Nordic Voices

Nordic Voices (Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish) have been added to the list of Voices that can be used when creating a new Speaker. These Voices can not currently be used for Crawling, but can be used for Test Case generation.

[CP-2714] - Changed: Campaign Results Report performance improvement

The performance of a number of Campaign Result Reports has been improved significantly.

[CP-4844] - Changed: Full Screen Portal Tables

The column layout for a number of tables has been improved when in full screen mode.

[CP-5374] - Changed: Email Result Details

The Source Address on Email Result Detail report is now only visible to Platform Users.

[CP-5626] - Changed: Pulse reporting performance improvement

The database queries related to Pulse Dashboard viewing and export have been improved.

[CP-5640] - Changed: Crawler - Notification email field removed

The "Notification Email" field on the Settings for an IVR Model has been removed, as it was unused.

[CP-5664] - Changed: REST API - CX-AX Step results

Version 2.x API routes that fetch detailed Test Case results will now also return any associated Agent Step results where applicable. Please refer to the API documentation at for more information.

[CP-5884] - Changed: SMS - Mobile Number prefix consistency

For consistency between Channels, SMS Test Cases no longer need the Mobile Number to be prefixed with the + character.

[CP-5931] - Changed: Crawler Maintenance Mode enhancement

The warning and error messages seen in Crawler when the Portal is in Maintenance Mode have been improved. Additionally, running Crawls will now be aborted when the IVR Crawler detects that the Portal has entered Maintenance Mode, and a Notification will be added to the Model for each aborted Crawl. Previously, the running Crawls would fail and display a generic error message.

[CP-5937] - Changed: CX Model - Phone number editable from top Node

A CX Model's Phone Number can now also be edited by modifying the properties of the top Node. Additionally, the Menu Name of the top Node can now be changed to something other than the Phone Number.

[CP-6063] - Changed: Crawler - Deleting a CX Model

A CX Model can be deleted while a Crawl is in progress. The deletion confirmation message has been updated to reflect this, and any active Crawls will now be aborted before deleting the Model. Previously, in progress Crawls would continue running.

[CP-6074] - Changed: Voice Scheduler Internal Email Alerts

In some scenarios the Voice Scheduler sends out Internal Email alerts. The subject line of these alerts now also includes the host name of the machine, and the Web Portal's URL.

[CP-6305] - Changed: Data Feeder Dependencies

The Data Feeder component no longer requires the IIS6 legacy management windows features to be installed.

[CP-6395] - Changed: Excel XML Spreadsheet Import/Export

Test Case Import/Export in Microsoft Office "XML Spreadsheet 2003" format has been restored to the Web Portal. The spreadsheet format is supported by MS Excel 2013 and MS Excel 2016 versions.

[CP-2367] - Fixed: Voice Scheduler stops accepting new connections from Call Engines

Under a rare set of conditions, the Voice Scheduler could enter a state in which no new Call Engines could be connected, but Call Engines already connected would continue to operate.

[CP-5584] - Fixed: Dashboard - Generated Crawler Test Cases

Test Cases generated from a CX Model were incorrectly unable to be added to Dashboard Service Groups.

[CP-5588] - Fixed: CVA - Custom Activity with Resources

Running a Custom Activity with at least one Resource, while the Cyara Media Storage service was unavailable, could result in the Desktop Client becoming stuck and failing to process subsequent requests. A timeout error will now be displayed after a configurable duration.

[CP-5638] - Fixed: Web Test Result labels

Web Result screen shots in the carousel were incorrectly labeled starting from Step 1, instead of Step 0.

[CP-5844] - Fixed: Dashboard - Custom Category

Creating a Custom Category for a Dashboard Service Group, with a Monitor value of "Any", could occasionally cause a General Error page to be displayed when saving changes.

[CP-5889] - Fixed: REST API - no response

In rare circumstances, the REST API would not return any data or error codes, and would appear to be loading indefinitely.

[CP-5930] - Fixed: Omni Scheduler Stability

A number of stability issues with long-running, high concurrent session, Chat Campaigns have been identified and fixed.

[CP-5934] - Fixed: Test Case Duplication Error

Under certain conditions, attempting to duplicate a Test Case with a Phone Number not in the list of provisioned numbers for an Account could fail, and display a General Error.

[CP-5944] - Fixed: Saving a Campaign associated with an expired Plan

The "Save Details" and "Duplicate Campaign" buttons on the Edit Campaign screen were incorrectly hidden if all Plans of the same type as the Campaign had expired.

[CP-5967] - Fixed: Optional Step followed by Choice Tag with End Call

If the following conditions were met:
- A Test Case contained an Optional Step, followed immediately by a Step using the Choice Tag,
- one of the Choice options utilizes the EndCall Tag,
- during Test Case execution, the optional Step did not run, and
- during Test Case execution, the EndCall Choice option was chosen...
...then the Test Step Result would incorrectly be appended to the skipped optional Step, instead of the Choice Step.

[CP-5971] - Fixed: Audio playback during Test Case Validation

Step Recordings can now be played while Test Case Validation is still in progress. Previously, clicking on the Play button while Test Case Validation was in progress would display a 404 error.

[CP-6020] - Fixed: Crawler - French IVRs

When Crawling French IVRs, phrases containing the word "dièse" (#) are now recognized correctly.

[CP-6042] - Fixed: ASR - Installed language detection

Language packs that had been previously uninstalled could incorrectly be detected as installed by the ASR service, which could cause recognition requests for that specific language to fail.

[CP-6046] - Fixed: Ad Blockers hid Announcements

Browsers with ad blocking technology were stopping the User from seeing product-related information on the Web Portal login page. Steps have been taken to ensure that this information is not put in the same category as junk advertising.

[CP-6105] - Fixed: Exception while flattening Data Driven Scenarios

In some very rare circumstances, when a Campaign is just starting up, and a User is editing a Data Driven Test Case which is part of the Campaign, there could be an inconsistency in how the Test Case is instantiated, leading to an exception being logged in the Voice Scheduler and the Campaign failing to start.

[CP-6106] - Fixed: CVA - Activity Detail Result

In progress Calls were incorrectly being displayed as "Failed" on the Agent Call Activity Detail Report. In progress Calls are now initially displayed as "Success".

[CP-6135] - Fixed: SMS - Stuck Test Case

If a Test Case Step after Step 1 has an empty Expect (but had a Reply), the Test Case would wait indefinitely to send out the Reply.

[CP-6136] - Fixed: SMS - Result Details for failed Test Cases

When a Step from an SMS Test Case had failed, the remaining successful Steps incorrectly showed the result detail of the failed Step.

[CP-6139] - Fixed: Voice - Stagnant Campaigns

In some situations, a Campaign could remain in a running state even though all Test Cases had been executed.

[CP-6150] - Fixed: Pulse Alarms

In rare circumstances, the Voice Scheduler could hit an exception while processing a Pulse Campaign Test Result, which would be logged correctly in to the log file, but Pulse Alerts would incorrectly not be sent out if they were required.

[CP-6152] - Fixed: Voice Scheduler - Notification Error Logging

If the Notification Service was not running, and the Voice Scheduler requested a message to be sent, there would be an exception with a stack trace logged into the Voice Scheduler log file. This has been changed to just a regular error-level message with no stack trace.

[CP-6224] - Fixed: ASR - Full Call Recording

If a Call was aborted just before it had started, but the Full Call Recording had just been opened, the file could end up in a locked state and the Call Engine would log an error about being unable to move the file.

[CP-6225] - Fixed: Campaign validation

Test Cases with Agent Steps were erroneously able to be added to non-Velocity Campaigns. A validation error will now be displayed when attempting to save the Campaign.

[CP-6233] - Fixed: ASR - NR9 Out of Memory Exception

The NR9 ASR service could occasionally encounter an Out of Memory exception when attempting to load more than 2 languages, which would subsequently cause the service to crash.

[CP-6247] - Fixed: CVA - Agent Desktop Login

Logging in could fail if the username was in the format of "domain\username".

[CP-6316] - Fixed: CX Model - Test Case Export with empty prompt

Nodes with an empty prompt were incorrectly being skipped while generating Test Cases. Now, only nodes with both an empty prompt and response will be skipped, as that would result in an invalid Test Case Step.

[CP-6317] - Fixed: CX Model generated Block name clash

The pattern for naming a Block generated from a CX Model has been modified to eliminate name clashes when invalid filename characters were included in the Block name. Previously, these clashes could cause an internal error.

[CP-6410] - Fixed: Export generated Blocks from Models folder

The Folder Path for a Block was incorrectly left blank if it was exported in CyaraXML format directly from the Models folder. This would cause an error upon import if the CyaraXML contained a Test Case which referenced the malformed Block.

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