[CP-6072] - Feature: Login page remembers Username on failed attempt
When a failed login is performed, the Username field will now be pre-populated with the attempted value.
[CP-6366] - Feature: Speech Services - Romanian Support
The ASR service now supports Romanian (ro-RO) recognition requests. Additionally, the Romanian Voice Simona has been made available for TTS generation.
[CP-6408] - Feature: CX Models: Cut-Paste function added to the Model editor
It is now possible to select single or multiple Nodes, and cut and paste them to the desired location. If only a single Node is being moved, any children will be reassigned to the Node's parent.
[CP-6613] - Feature: Call Recordings Storage without File Shares
This feature enables storing Call Recordings without needing Windows file shares. If the Call Engine/Call Engine Next services are configured to use the Cyara Storage Service, Call Recordings are transferred directly to the Cyara Storage Service without requiring Shared Folders. Additionally, the Cyara Storage service can be configured to upload Call Recordings to Amazon S3.
[CP-6666] - Feature: Speech Engine and Speech Proxy Retired
The legacy Speech Engine and Speech Proxy services have been retired, and have now been replaced by three separate components – Cyara.Voice.Asr, Cyara.Voice.Tts, and Cyara.Voice.Quality. Please refer to the Deployment Guide for more information.
[CP-6705] - Feature: CE.Next support for G.729
CE.Next now supports G.729 – annex A & B. The payload supported is 20 milliseconds (2 frames per packet).
[CP-6991] - Feature: Choice Tag - New SetStepResult Tag
A new Tag, SetStepResult, can be specified inside a Choice Tag to set a specific Step Result based on the matched option. Please refer to the User Guide for more information.
[CP-7019] - Feature: Import and Export for CX Models
Users can now import and export CX Models via the Portal.
[CP-7047] - Feature: SAML Support for external authentication
The Portal now supports external authentication against any SAML 2.0 Identity Provider.
[CP-7065] - Feature: CE.Next support for outgoing in-band DTMF
CE.Next can now send in-band DTMF tones in the event that the far end does not support RFC-2833 DTMF.
[CP-7119] - Feature: Rest API - Voice Pulse and Pulse Outbound Campaigns
The 2.5 REST API Campaign routes for the Voice Channel now support creating and updating Campaigns associated with Pulse and Pulse Outbound Plan Types.
[CP-7236] - Feature: SMS - Added support for Inbound Plan types
The SMS Channel now supports the following Inbound Plan Types: Cruncher, Velocity, and Pulse.
[CP-7258] - Feature: CE.Next SIP User Agent
CE.Next now includes its version number as part of the SIP User Agent string.
[CP-7262] - Feature: CX Models: Automatic Test Case regeneration
Test Cases generated from a CX Model can now easily be kept up to date. After a change, the auto- generation process makes all the necessary adjustments. Test Cases automatically generated by a CX Model are read-only. Adjusting Quality settings via the "Test Case Generation Parameters" tab will also automatically regenerate Test Cases.
[CP-7319] - Feature: Portal - Remember chosen folder when creating a new entity
When a folder is selected for a specific entity (i.e., Test Cases, or Blocks), and the User chooses to create a new entity, the currently selected folder is now pre-populated as the folder for the entity to be created in.
[CP-5217] - Changed: Voice Scheduler Logging
The Voice Scheduler will now also include the message type when logging communications with Call Engines. Previously, only the message contents were logged.
[CP-6596] - Changed: Dashboard - MOS Scores showing too much precision
The tooltip for the MOS score on a Dashboard chart was incorrectly showing the score to six decimal places. This has now been changed to show two instead.
[CP-6796] - Changed: Email Platform Users
The Web Portal now sends out bulk notifications significantly faster when using the Email Platform Users feature.
[CP-6849] - Changed: Database deadlock
In very rare circumstances, a database deadlock could occur when exporting Results with all details from the Results Summary Report.
[CP-6943] - Changed: Service Step Variable Names
The underscore character can now be used when defining variables as part of Service Steps.
[CP-7082] - Changed: TTS generation timeout settings
Configuration keys that determine TTS generation timeouts have had their values increased across a number of components.
[CP-7232] - Changed: Test Case audio download button
The buttons used to download Test Case audio now have an icon that better represents its function. Previously, they had an icon that was associated with a "play" action, which was confusing.
[CP-7243] - Changed: Prompt Analyzer and Audio files menu entries
The Prompt Analyzer and Audio Files menu entries have been moved from the Test Cases menu, and are now accessible from the Tools menu.
[CP-7538] - Changed: Executive Dashboard menu items moved
The Executive Dashboard and Configuration items have been moved to the "Pulse" sub-menu, located in the "Reports" menu.
[CP-7543] - Changed: Improvement of Cyara Service Step labels in report details
The following fields have been renamed:
"Response Time" has been renamed to "Service Run Duration" (Time from Service Step start until the result is retrieved)
"Duration" has been renamed to "Step Duration" (Time spent running the Service Step)
[CP-6283] - Fixed: Transcription Service Startup
A race condition that allowed the Transcription service to start processing requests before it had completely initialized has been identified and fixed.
[CP-6284] - Fixed: Transcription and invalid Speakers
The Transcription service was incorrectly attempting to proceed with transcription requests with a Speaker that it had just identified and logged as invalid, causing additional errors to be logged.
[CP-6702] - Fixed: CX Model - Generated Test Cases could have a phone number in the "Reply" field
When generating Test Cases from a CX Model with "Expand Steps" and "Generate Blocks" options selected, an additional Step with the phone number added in the "Reply" field was incorrectly being added to each Test Case.
[CP-6718] - Fixed: Duplicate log messages in Voice Scheduler log file
A number of duplicate log entries in the Voice Scheduler log file related to Pulse and Velocity Campaign startup have been identified and removed.
[CP-6741] - Fixed: Pulse Active Alerts
The Pulse Active Alerts report could display a General Error page when loaded, if any of the actively alerting Test Cases contained an < or > character.
[CP-6779] - Fixed: Ignore Step following a priority Step
If the "Ignore" Tag was used immediately after a Step that performed priority recognition, the PSST specified for the Step with the Ignore Tag was not accommodating the time taken to perform the priority recognition.
[CP-6890] - Fixed: Internet Explorer 11 rendering issue
The 'confirm' and 'cancel' buttons when editing the date/time for a Pulse Campaign Pause Window were not visible in Internet Explorer 11.
[CP-6896] - Fixed: SMS Variable Validation
When saving an SMS Test Case, additional validation will now run to ensure that all variables used in the "Reply" field have been captured previously in one of the "Expect" fields.
[CP-6924] - Fixed: Agent and Service Steps could not be used in Blocks
Block functionality has been adjusted to be in line with Voice Test Cases. Agent and Service Steps can now be selected and included in Blocks. Service Steps must have both "Start" and "Wait" functions included in the Block.
[CP-6933] - Fixed: Error messaging improved for the Test Data delete function
The error message displayed when attempting to delete multiple Data Sets now clearly lists which Data Sets are linked to Test Cases and are causing the deletion to fail. Previously, this error message did not list the offending Data Sets.
[CP-6976] - Fixed: Web Channel Internal Errors
When filtering Web Reports on Internal Error Results, Successful Results were incorrectly being included as well.
[CP-6988] - Fixed: Data-Driven Test Cases
When editing a Test Case, only the active source of data-driven data (static, dynamic, or data-set) is persisted on save. Previously, a Test Case was incorrectly able to be associated and saved with multiple sources of data-driven data.
[CP-7006] - Fixed: CVA - Desktop coordinator script execution order
When running a CVA Desktop Campaign, the Interaction Detection script was incorrectly getting executed before the startup script. The issue did not have any visible impact, except for the startup being delayed by a few seconds. The execution order has been adjusted to run the startup script to launch all the necessary applications, and only then commence running the interaction detection script.
[CP-7032] - Fixed: Internal Error for File Shares Inaccessible
If the ASR service was unable to access Step recordings at the specified path, the Call and Step Result was incorrectly being classified as a failure, instead of an Internal Error.
[CP-7033] - Fixed: CVA - Desktop Manager could show wrong desktop as being connected
When an RDP hosting solution is used to run multiple Agent Desktops, the Desktop Manager could occasionally map a workstation session to the wrong Agent Desktop Campaign. Additionally, a number of UI enhancements have been made, including a right-click context menu on the desktop lists, which can be used at any level in the hierarchy.
[CP-7035] - Fixed: Allowed and Blocked numbers validation in Voice Scheduler
If the following conditions were all met:
1) the Called Number field of a Test Case was data-driven,
2) the data-driven source did not contain a value for the Called Number, and
3) the Account had either an Allowed or Blocked list of Phone Numbers defined,
...then the Voice Scheduler would encounter an error, and would not execute the Test Case, and would not return a result to the Web Portal if it was a Test Case Validation. The Voice Scheduler will now execute the Test Case and fail it with an appropriate error.
[CP-7048] - Fixed: Maintenance Mode
An issue was encountered when bringing both the Web Portal and Voice Scheduler out of Maintenance Mode, and any attempts to make calls would fail as the Platform thought the Voice Scheduler was still in Maintenance Mode.
[CP-7049] - Fixed: Transcription Auto-Correction
Auto-correction is now being applied consistently to all transcription results.
[CP-7056] - Fixed: Web Portal timing out
Attempting to view a CX Model with a Transcription audio file that was inaccessible could cause the page to become unresponsive while it attempted to load the file.
[CP-7061] - Fixed: IE Compatibility Mode
If the Web Portal URL was added to Internet Explorer's Compatibility rendering mode, a large number of elements on all pages were unable to be interacted with.
[CP-7064] - Fixed: CE.Next - Record-Route SIP Header
CE.Next now has better handling of the Record-Route header sent by a number of SIP proxies.
[CP-7073] - Fixed: Called Number Tags
If the Called Number field of a Test Case included either the EarlyMedia or Codecs Tags, it would fail to run as the Voice Scheduler was failing to parse the Tag in the Called Number correctly.
[CP-7086] - Fixed: Unable to paste when using Internet Explorer 11
An issue was preventing pasting content into the "Expect to Hear" field when editing a Test Case using Internet Explorer 11.
[CP-7112] - Fixed: CVA - Campaign Creation
When creating an Agent Campaign, if the User selected a folder with more than 100 Agents, they were incorrectly not all being displayed in the Available Agents selection table.
[CP-7191] - Fixed: Data Sets menu incorrectly visible to Reporting Users
The Data Sets menu option is now only displayed to Users with the Administration role. Previously, it was also incorrectly displayed to Users with the Reporting role, which was causing a General Error page to be displayed when attempting to navigate to it.
[CP-7202] - Fixed: Database query performance improved
Improved the performance of the stored procedure that checks for the last validation date for a Test Case.
[CP-7230] - Fixed: Improved CX Model edit function
Eliminated a scenario where the right side panel input fields would lose focus when the Model auto- saves changes.
[CP-7231] - Fixed: CX Models: "Add Input" raising an error
When editing a CX Model, if an invalid input was added in the right side property panel, and was then subsequently corrected, it could cause a general error page to be displayed.
[CP-7235] - Fixed: Dashboard - Mobile App Integration
The Mobile App was unable to pull back a list of available Accounts that had Dashboards configured for the logged-in User. This affected Users attached to multiple accounts, or Users without a default Account selected.
[CP-7242] - Fixed: "In-Country Dialing" Platform Configuration
The "In-Country Dialing" configuration parameter was incorrectly not displayed on the Platform Configuration Page.
[CP-7255] - Fixed: ASR Recognition Failures
In a particular scenario, the ASR service was not handling recognition errors correctly, and would lock the corresponding port for any future requests, which meant that no further recognitions could be completed by the service if all ports entered a locked state
[CP-7285] - Fixed: CX Models: Truncate Long Prompts
For duplicated models, the "Truncate Long Prompts" option was not working as expected. Models that were edited manually or created by Crawler were not affected.
[CP-7316] - Fixed: Email Platform Users
When errors occur sending out bulk email notifications, they are now presented in a more readable manner.
[CP-7317] - Fixed: Outbound CE race condition
If a User aborts an Outbound Test Case after a call has landed on a CE, but before it has answered it, a race condition could very rarely cause the CE to crash, requiring the service to be started again to continue receiving Calls.
[CP-7329] - Fixed: Campaign status update via REST API
Attempting to update a Campaign via the REST API was incorrectly not updating the "Active" status of the Campaign. Other properties were correctly able to be updated in the same request.
[CP-7345] - Fixed: CE.Next Failed TTS Generation
CE.Next will no longer attempt to make a Call if TTS resources are unavailable, and will set the Result to Failed. Previously, the Call would still be attempted, and if it connected reply-only Test Case Steps were incorrectly being marked as successful.
[CP-7368] - Fixed: Account Administration Users could not be deleted
After applying the Cyara 7.2 database upgrade, an error would occur when attempting to delete Account Users with the Administration role, resulting in the User not being deleted.
[CP-7374] - Fixed: Delete icon on Service Steps
When editing a Test Case and hovering the mouse over a Service Step, the red delete icon next to the step row would often disappear.
[CP-7385] - Fixed: Dashboard - Too much historic data returned
When a Dashboard has Service Groups with Test Cases that are part of Campaigns with largely different frequencies (e.g., 5 minutes vs 1 hour), excessive historic data was being returned for the other Services Groups. The amount of data returned with each request has been reduced significantly in this scenario.
[CP-7408] - Fixed: Outbound SMS Test Case Internal Error
When an outbound SMS Test Case failed due to no message arriving within the timeout window, the result reported back to a Voice Test Case when used as part of a Service Step would incorrectly contain an "Internal Error" result. This scenario is now correctly returned as "Failed".
[CP-7412] - Fixed: Crawler - List of current crawls would not update on IE11
When using IE11, the Current Crawls table on the CX Models dashboard was not automatically removing entries when a Crawl had finished, and had to be manually refreshed.
[CP-7429] - Fixed: Adding SMS numbers during Account creation
During Account creation, any SMS numbers that were added were lost when the Account was created.
[CP-7501] - Fixed: Dashboard - Error when User assigned to multiple Dashboards
If all of the following conditions were met:
1) an Account User is only granted the "Executive Dashboard" Role,
2) the User was granted access to multiple Dashboards using the Restrict Access feature of each Dashboard, and
3) none of the Dashboards that the User was granted access to were the default Dashboard, ...then any attempts by the User to view the Dashboard would cause a General Error page to be displayed.
[CP-7513] - Fixed: Call Engine crash when reading empty audio file
In very rare circumstances, starting and then immediately aborting a Call could cause the Call Engine to produce zero-length wav files, and subsequent attempts to process these files was causing the Call Engine to log an exception and crash. Zero-length wav files are still able to be created, but subsequent processing of these files is now handled correctly.
[CP-7556] - Fixed: Call Routing Rules - Suffix applied to CLI
If a Call Routing Rule defined a suffix to be applied to the dialed number, and a Test Case's Called Number field also contained a CLI, the suffix was incorrectly being added to the CLI instead of the dialed number.
[CP-7727] - Fixed: Dashboard - Data flapping between refreshes
When a Dashboard Service Group polls for the latest results, information about each Service Group's state is included in the request. Occasionally, this state was not retained between polls, and could cause the Service Group to display an older set of data.