Which Cyara functions (Tags) can I use in my load tests and which not?


Cyara provides a wide range of custom functions (Tags) that can be used to address different needs for functional and regression testing. Though Cyara allows using functional/regression test cases for load tests, there are some restrictions that users have to take into account while planning a load test.

A purpose of Load/Stress test is different from functional testing and according to Cyara best practices has to be focused on specific areas:

  • Infrastructure focused
  • IVR focused
  • Back end
  • End-To-End focused

In order to target a load test to a specific area, Cyara test cases need to be adjusted to load and measure a specific step that a call passes in the infrastructure.

Cyara users can utilize a majority of Cyara functions (Tags) to achieve the best result, however there are some functions that are not recommended for Load Test scenarios. These functions can be broken into the following categories:

Do Not Use

Cyara functions that use Priority Recognition algorithms, conditional responses should never be used for Load Tests. They include the following Tags:

Conditional Choice Tags

{Choice X= Choice_A:Response_A | Choice_B:Response_B}

Conditional Choice tags should be only used in scenarios when time-critical user response is needed. During Load Tests Cyara doesn't guarantee that the response will be provided within a standard timeout.

Conditional End Call Tags

{Choice Choice_A:{EndCall}|Choice_B:.}

End Call scenarios are similar to timecritical user responses. During Load Tests Cyara doesn't guarantee that a decision to continue or drop a call is made within a standard timeout.

Note: Unconditional Choice Tag can be used for load tests with some restrictions.


Similar to Choice. A decision to continue or drop a call is made based on the speech recognition result, which is not guaranteed on time during Load Tests.

Optional Speech

{Optional Speech}

Optional Speech tag is using Priority recognition algorithms to ensure accuracy. This restriction does not apply to {Optional AudioLength=}.

Some Restrictions Apply

Unlimited Digits matching

{Digits} Tag without length limitation produces excessive load on speech recognition services. This Tag still can be used during load tests with additional attribute Length=

Example: {Digits Length=x} or {Digits Length=x-y}

Unlimited Alphanumeric matching

{AlphaNum} Tag without length limitation produces excessive load on speech recognition services. This Tag still can be used during load tests with additional attribute Length=

Example: {AlphaNum Length=4}


{Currency} Tag is producing excessive load on speech recognition services and is not recommended for Load Tests scenarios. In some situations it can be used during load tests. Please consult with your Customer Delivery Engineer.

No Restrictions

All the remaining tags.




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