Platform Release Version 7.5.0


Platform Features

[CP-6549] - Feature: Cyara Service Library for Web Requests

Service Library makes integration between Cyara and external services easier. Service definitions can be set up by someone familiar with the inner workings of the service, and then interacted with by test engineers using known inputs and outputs. In this release, "Web Call" Service definitions can be created, which covers anything that can be invoked via HTTP/HTTPS, such as REST requests. Services can currently only be used in Voice Test Cases. Please refer to the User Guide for more information about this feature.

[CP-7657] - Feature: Dashboard - Every Account provisioned with a Global Dashboard

Every Account now has access to a Global Dashboard, covering results for all Pulse Test Cases across every Channel.

[CP-7747] - Feature: Endpoint Register/Deregister Throttling

The Call Engine now supports Endpoint registration and deregistration throttling. Previously, only registration throttling was supported.

[CP-7756] - Feature: Web Test Cases now support Chrome

It is now possible to execute your Web Test Cases via the Chrome browser. This enables mobile browser emulation to validate how a site renders on a mobile device. Please refer to the User Guide section 'Creating a Web Test Case' for more information.

[CP-7954] - Feature: New export report for CX and AX MOS scores

A new Export option has been added to the Results Summary page for the Voice Channel, 'Export MOS scores', which includes the first CX and AX MOS result for each Test Result.

[CP-7996] - Feature: Repeated Prompt Recognition via Repeat Tag

A new 'Repeat' Tag has been introduced for Voice Test Case Steps. This Tag enables recognition for a variable number of repeated prompts (e.g., the same message being played periodically while being on hold in a queue) without having to create multiple Test Case Steps. Please refer to the User Guide section on Tags for more information.

[CP-8010] - Feature: ASR Results logging

Additional logging has been added to CE and CE.Next services to help trace ASR requests. This includes the name of the ASR service that processed the request, as well as timing information.

Platform Changes

[CP-7461] - Changed: Removal of MOS Tag

The {MOS} Tag has been removed, as it has not been supported for a number of Platform Releases. MOS calculation can be performed by changing the Voice Quality setting for a Test Case Step to PESQ instead of MPSR.

[CP-7749] - Changed: Voice Scheduler Licensing

The Voice Scheduler now requires a hardware-locked license file provisioned with enough Ports to support all required Plans. This license restricts the total number of Ports for each Plan Type that the Cyara Platform can use at any given time. Please contact Cyara Support to arrange a license for your installation.

[CP-7942] - Changed: Pulse notifications default timeout was too short

The default timeout for sending out Pulse email Notifications has been extended to 30 seconds to allow for short delays in responses.

[CP-7961] - Changed: Email Platform Users Performance Improvements

The Email Platform Users feature is now more performant when sending out a large number of emails.

[CP-7967] - Changed: CX Model Editing: Shift-Click on Node removed

Previously, Shift-clicking on a Node would open the settings screen for that Node. This functionality has been removed. All changes to the Node now need to be made via the right-hand panel.

[CP-8077] - Changed: CX Model dashboard renamed to "Crawl History"

The CX Model dashboard has been renamed to "Crawl History", to avoid naming confusion with the Pulse dashboard.

[CP-8099] - Changed: Push Notifications default timeout was too short

The default timeout for sending out Push Notifications has been extended to 30 seconds to allow for short delays in responses.

[CP-8472] - Changed: Logging severity changes

Across all Platform Components, a large number of ERROR log messages have been reclassified as WARN, INFO, or DEBUG as appropriate.

Issue Fixes

[CP-7169] - Fixed: General Error when viewing Account Users

If a Platform User without the "Platform Administrator" Role attempted to view the list of Account Users for a disabled Account, a General Error was incorrectly displayed.

[CP-7634] - Fixed: Call Recording Validation Report supports recordings in Amazon S3 storage

If CRV recordings are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket, the Portal report page will now render the audio players correctly, and recordings are able to be downloaded.

[CP-7650] - Fixed: Crawling large IVRs

When Crawling a very large (> 1000) number of nodes, the IVR Crawler could sometimes fail to process all Nodes correctly.

[CP-7653] - Fixed: Concurrent Crawler Model Editing

If the following conditions were met:
1) A Crawler Model was being edited in two or more separate sessions,
2) a Node was deleted in one of the sessions, and
3) a Node was then added to the deleted Node in one of the other sessions
... then a General Error would be displayed, instead of an appropriate error message.

[CP-7672] - Fixed: CE.Next - Incorrect Step Duration

The duration of the first non-optional Step following one or more optional Steps that had been skipped was incorrectly being reported as 0.

[CP-7767] - Fixed: Omni Scheduler Deadlock

A deadlock that could be encountered while trying to insert Agent Web results into the database has been addressed.

[CP-7837] - Fixed: Duplicated Campaign Test Cases

After Duplicating a Campaign, changing the associated Plan no longer removes all associated Test Cases. Changing the Channel for a duplicated Campaign will still remove all Test Cases.

[CP-7921] - Fixed: REST API - Requests blocked when in Maintenance Mode

Some REST API calls by Platform Administrators were incorrectly being blocked when the site was in Maintenance Mode.

[CP-7938] - Fixed: Dashboard - Webhook URL validation

Additional validation has been added to the Webhook fields for Dashboard on both the Alarm Profile and Dashboard Configuration pages, to avoid errors sending notifications to invalid endpoints.

[CP-7981] - Fixed: CX Models - delete from context menu

The delete option in the context menu for a Crawler Node, which is opened by clicking on the ellipsis (...) in the right-hand edit panel now successfully deletes the selected Node.

[CP-7987] - Fixed: Dashboard - Deleted Ticker messages not being removed

When a Ticker message was deleted, it was not automatically being removed from the Dashboard.

[CP-8000] - Fixed: Dashboard - Completed category showing Satisfactory

When one or more Spots in a column were Satisfactory, the Spot for the Completed category was incorrectly displayed as Satisfactory.

[CP-8002] - Fixed: Dashboard - Notifications not processed

When a Dashboard had a Service Group with no Categories, or a chart with no series, Notifications were incorrectly failing to be processed for that particular Dashboard.

[CP-8023] - Fixed: Improved third-party mail server compatibility

When sending Notifications via the Email Platform Users feature, emails are now sent in batches of 50 to be compliant with a number of third-party mail servers.

[CP-8042] - Fixed: Discrepancy in Test Step and Prompt Analyzer confidence scores

A discrepancy in the confidence scores for a Test Case Step between running the Step via Prompt Analyzer versus running the Step as part of a Test Case (in a Campaign Run or Test Case Validation), has been fixed.

[CP-8064] - Fixed: Velocity Test Case ETH Transcription

When the Cyara Platform was under very heavy load, Velocity Test Case ETH Transcription could occasionally become unresponsive.

[CP-8082] - Fixed: Incorrect encoding on CX Model JSON Export

When exporting a CX Model in JSON format, some special characters were being encoded incorrectly.

[CP-8112] - Fixed: Uploading Test Data on IE11

With Internet Explorer 11, when adding or replacing a Data Set, the User would incorrectly be shown an alert window indicating that the operation had failed, even when the Test Data had been uploaded successfully.

[CP-8117] - Fixed: Dashboard script alerts missing log information

Some log events were missing information about the JavaScript error that was raised on the Dashboard. Additional information about the browser is now included to help identify script errors.

[CP-8120] - Fixed: Adding Data-Driven values to a Test Case

A change in version 70+ of the Chrome browser caused the Data-Driven values table to fail to store any new values added by a User.

[CP-8142] - Fixed: Certain Voice Scheduler WARN log messages are not required

Two cases have been identified where Cyara Voice Scheduler logs a WARN level message for Outbound Test Cases that were not required. The first is for an empty Calling Number, and the other is for a Ramp Up Rate with no initial calls. Both of these conditions are standard behavior for Outbound Test Cases, and do not need to be logged.

[CP-8151] - Fixed: Test Case Audio folder rename not reflected in CX models

When an Audio Files folder was renamed, or moved to a different location, any CX Models using Audio Files in that folder, or sub-folders below it, were incorrectly not updated to reflect the new path to the files.

[CP-8159] - Fixed: SMS - Url Tag matches trailing period

If the Url Tag was used in the Expect field of an SMS Test Case, and a received SMS contained a Url with a trailing full stop, the captured value would incorrectly include the full stop.

[CP-8237] - Fixed: Prompt Analyzer unresponsive

In rare circumstances, the Prompt Analyzer page on the Web Portal could become unresponsive.

[CP-8247] - Fixed: Dashboard Alarms only firing when minor and major selected

An Alarm configured for a Dashboard was only sending when 'Alert on major' and 'Alert on minor' were both selected. Alarms will now correctly send if only one option is selected.

[CP-8281] - Fixed: Web Coordinator - Exceptions reported during shutdown

In certain situations, the communication channel between the Test Runner and the Web Coordinator was incorrectly shutdown out of sequence when Test Case execution had completed, causing errors to be reported in the log file.


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