Ramp up CAPS and MAX CAPS


When you plan your load test which contains multiple Campaigns, you need to be careful while setting up a ramp-up time, as it is easy to exceed the CAPS limit for your IVR.

Let's review a scenario when you have a 1000 ports load test split between 2 campaigns: 400 Ports and 600 Ports. Your CAPS limit is 5 calls per second.

Q1: What would be your ramp-up time?

Your ramp-up time doesn't depend on the split or how many Campaigns you're running, because you are starting Campaigns approximately at the same time.  The only parameters that you are taking into account are your Total Ports and your CAPS limit.

In our case 1000/5= 200 seconds
A1: A Ramp Up Time for both of your Campaigns is 200 seconds (Considering that you're starting them at the same time)

The maximum CAPS parameter for a given test case depends on the Call Duration and the desired number of ports. Let's assume that the desired number of ports is 1000, and the call duration is 150 seconds. This means that in order to get to 1000 ports we need to dial with a rate of CAPS = 1000/150 = 6.67 CAPS.

A2: There is an important conclusion from this formula: If a CAPS limit for the system is 5 then with a call duration of 150 seconds you will never be able to get to 1000 ports because of the CallDuration*CAPS=Ports=150*5=750 ports.
In order to get to 1000 ports, our call duration should be 1000/5=200 seconds.

Let's say we have:
Call Duration 200 seconds
CAPS limit 5
Campaign 1 800 ports
Campaign 2 200 ports
Ramp-up time 200 seconds
What should be MAX CAPS set per each Campaign?

A3: Campaign CAPS=RATIO*TotalCAPS
Where Ratio is Campaign ports divided by Total Ports

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