Platform Release Version 7.7.0

7.7 Release & Support Timetable

Release Date End of Life End of Support
May 23rd, 2019 May 23rd, 2020 May 23rd, 2021

Note: "End of Life" states that no more new deployments are allowed of this version.
End of Support is that no more issue fixes or patches will be made available for this version.

7.7 New Features

[CP-8206] - Feature: Campaign Results Summary Report now remembers the state

Upon navigating away from and then back to a Campaign Results Summary Report, filters will be reapplied and the results grid will return to previous page and position.

[CP-8434] - Feature: Graceful Abort of Voice Campaigns

Voice Campaigns now support the "Soft" abort procedure where any currently running Interaction within the Campaign is allowed to complete before the Campaign is aborted. See the updated User Guide for more information on this feature.

[CP-8779] - Feature: "Generate Test Case" and "Delete CX Model" API for Velocity

New API Routes are available to allow creating Test Cases from a CX Model, as well as deleting CX Models. See the API documentation for more information.

[CP-8848] - Feature: New Plan Feature added to Cyara API

Cyara 3.0 API now supports creating, viewing, and updating Plans.

[CP-8855] - Feature: API to fetch and update an Alarm Profile

New API Routes are available to fetch and update Alarm Profiles; see the API documentation for more information.

[CP-8899] - Feature: AX Step Pulse Campaign Support

Voice Test Cases that include an AX Step can now be run within a Pulse Campaign.

[CP-8957] - Feature: Web Test Cases now support the {Choice} Tag

The {Choice} Tag now has support in Web Test Cases.

[CP-8959] - Feature: CE.Next supports SIP Endpoint Registration

An existing feature from Call Engine of SIP Endpoint registration has been added to CE.Next. This enables CE.Next to be used as an Endpoint server.

 [CP-8961] - Feature: CE.Next SIP registration

CE.Next now supports SIP registration. Contact URIs and credentials are specified in an external CSV file. Refer to the User Guide for more information on this new feature.

[CP-8964] - Feature: Inbound in-band DTMF tone support

In-band DTMF feature is supported by CE.Next. Minimum DTMF duration and minimum inter-digit silence can be controlled via the following parameters in the SIP section of the config file: "MinDtmfDuration" and "MinInterDtmfSilence". See the updated User Guide for more information.

[CP-8965] - Feature: CE.Next support for the {Fax} Tag

CE.Next supports listening for the presence of in-band Fax CED tone within the Major Threshold of the Step in accordance with RFC 4734. CED tone: Frequency 2100 ±15Hz, Duration between 2.6 & 4 seconds.

[CP-9013] - Feature: Test Case Folder API - Additional fields added to the Test Case summary

Additional fields have been added to the Test Case Folder API route to facilitate customer reporting. 

*Campaign Count   

* Last Run Date

* Last Result             

* Last Result Id                                                                                                                     

* Last Result Api Url

[CP-9032] - Feature: TLS1.2 support added CVA Genesys Chat

CVA will now attempt to use TLS1.2 when trying to communicate with Genesys Interaction and Chat servers.

[CP-9047] - Feature: Graceful Shutdown of Services

Notification, Voice Quality, Storage, ASR, and TTS services now support Graceful Shutdown. Any tasks sent to these services are now allowed to complete before the service stops.

[CP-9136] - Feature: Message Bus TLS Support

Message Bus now supports enabling transport encryption. See the Deployment Guide for more information on how to encrypt Message Bus traffic.

[CP-9186] - Feature: Encrypting Web Test Case Elements

Elements like API keys, usernames, and passwords can now be encrypted on Web Test Cases, and are decrypted by the Test Runner/Coordinator when the case is run.

[CP-9235] - Feature: Dashboard - Force success of Service Steps

The option to Force Success of a failed Test Result from the Dashboard was not working for Test Cases that failed from a Service Step.

[CP-9296] - Feature: CE.Next - Response to NOTIFY messages

CE.Next will always respond with OK to NOTIFY messages.

[CP-9382] - Feature: Message Bus Credential Encryption

Configuration files for services that communicate via Message Bus can now have credentials encrypted. Entering credentials during the installer process will encrypt these details automatically. Entering credentials directly into config files in plain text will not be encrypted. A password encryption tool has also been made available. See the updated Deployment Guide for more information.

[CP-9483] - Feature: New Tag {SayMOS}

For more details on this new Tag and how to use it in Test Cases, see the updated User Guide documentation.

[CP-9611] - Feature: Alarm Profile Schedule Management

Account Administrators can now manage the Alarm Profile Schedules of any Users within their Account.

[CP-9630] - Feature: Data Set screen shows usage in CX Models

In addition to showing Data Set usage in Test Cases, the Data Set management screen now also shows Data Set usage in CX models.

[CP-9663] - Feature: CX Model - Decision Elements

CX Models now support Decision Elements to map complex IVR logic and allow for streamlined Test Case generation. See the updated User Guide on how to use Decision Elements within a CX Model.

[CP-9727] - Feature: Integration Hub - Enable export of CX Model to Amazon Flow

A new export option is available from CX Models. This enables a CX Model to be exported in Amazon Flow format so that it can be imported into Amazon.

7.7 Platform Updates

[CP-5487] - Changed: CE - SIP Call-ID captured in all Invite responses

The SIP Call-ID is now captured for all types of responses to the initial Invite, not just the 100 Trying.

[CP-7332] - Changed: File Share Replacement - Migration of Old Recordings

The Cyara Platform now uses the Cyara Storage service to store and retrieve call recordings, and Windows File Share support is now completely removed from this release. For Call Recordings made prior to the Cyara 7.7 release, a migration tool has been provided. See the updated Deployment Guide for information on how to perform this migration.

[CP-8150] - Changed: Steps with {WaitForHangUp} Tag change

Steps with the {WaitForHangUp} Tag are no longer allowed to have Reply text.

[CP-8287] - Changed: Enabling Services

"Enabling Services" has been moved from the Platform Configuration page to the Account Details page, in the Features tab.

[CP-8600] - Changed: Dynamic Data Driven Source Errors for Voice Test Cases

When Voice Scheduler encounters an error extracting dynamic Data Driven Test Case Scenarios, it will not run these Test Cases. Instead, it will create a Test Result in the database with a correct Detailed Result indicating the error experienced. This has changed from the previous behavior, where the Test Case would still execute, and fail during execution due to non-substituted data-driven placeholder values.

[CP-8602] - Changed: US English Speaker Transcriber Training

US English Speaker transcriber has been trained to better understand IVR prompts and terminology, e.g.,"For {*} press"

[CP-8884] - Changed: Removed duplicate information in CVA report

Agent Verify Interaction Data Activities would present the same information in a table as well as a string. The duplicate non-formatted version of the data has been removed.

[CP-8956] - Changed: "Ticket" renamed to "Test Runner" in Web Results page.

"Ticket" in the Detailed Results page has been renamed to "Test Runner" to better match the logging output.

[CP-8987] - Changed: Plan Extension triggers Pulse Campaign with Expired Plan status

When a Plan is edited through the Web Portal, and its duration is extended by moving the End Date into the future, all associated Pulse Campaigns with a status of "Plan Expired" will be triggered to start running again.

[CP-9028] - Changed: Underscore in Service variables

It is now possible to use underscores in Service variable names.

[CP-9055] - Changed: Voice Component Contextual Logging

Logging has been further improved for Voice Components to include contextual information. This context helps track the life cycle of a particular Call across the various components that take part in its execution.

[CP-9115] - Changed: Removed obsolete config options for FileShares.

The following configuration options have been removed from the application configuration files for Call Engine, CE.Next, Web Portal, and Storage Services.                                   





[CP-9168] - Changed: ASR Recognition Round-trip time

Call Engines will now log ASR recognition round trip time for every recognition, along with the corresponding recognition priority.

[CP-9248] - Changed: Change in behavior for PESQ with missing audio file

Previously, a missing reference file would cause the PESQ step to fail with a MOS of 0.0. Now, the Test Case will fail in preparation, before execution.

[CP-9271] - Changed: SAML - Remember links after a login redirection

When you click on a link, for example from a Pulse Alarm, and the Account authenticates through SAML, the link is now navigated to directly after a successful login.

[CP-9290] - Changed: Improved error logging for duplicate Test Case Folders

In the event that an Account had multiple Test Case folders with the same name, the log files now contain extra information to help resolve the issue.

[CP-9444] - Changed: Renamed "IVR Model" to "CX Model"

All screens and labels that referred to "IVR Model", have now been renamed to "CX Model".

[CP-9803] - Changed: Min/max Pause Time no longer applied to First/Last steps of an autogenerated

Test Case

The first and last Steps of an auto-generated Test Case will not have any min/max pause time, as the first and last Steps will not contain any Reply with text.

[CP-9823] - Changed: Changed CX Model's action menu Crawl list

When viewing a CX Model, in the Action menu there was a "Historic Crawls" item that would display the finished crawls. This has been changed to the link which will open the active and historic crawl list in a new tab/window. It will also display the count of the current crawls in progress.

[CP-9844] - Changed: Logging severity changes

Across all Platform Components, a large number of log messages have had their severity reclassified as appropriate.

[CP-9936] - Changed: Cyara Call Recording Validation (CRV) End of Life

Cyara Call Recording Validation (CRV) is now the end of life - there is no new version included in this release.

7.7 Issue Fixes

[CP-1382] - Fixed: Catching extra curly braces

Extra curly braces incorrectly placed in the Expect To Hear field on a Voice Test Case will now generate the correct error in log files.

[CP-3264] - Fixed: Voice Quality will return an error when audio files are longer than 30 seconds

Audio files must be less than 30 seconds for MOS to be calculated, as described in the User Guide. Voice Quality is now checking the length of the file when calculating MOS.

[CP-5062] - Fixed: CE.Next misparsing name-addr "sip"

CE.Next will no longer misparse the name-addr if display name starts with "sip".

[CP-6103] - Fixed: Improved Phone Number Range Handling

When specifying a phone number range via the Account page, or Outbound Test Case edit page, it is now possible to use two different prefix ranges, for example, "1300...,1800..." to specify all numbers starting with a 1300 or 1800 prefix. It is also possible to use overlapping fixed ranges. For example: "1300..1500,1400..1800" – this will specify all numbers from 1300 to 1800, and will not be considered an error.

[CP-6963] - Fixed: Enhanced error message when Phone Numbers are clashing

Messages displayed when an Outbound Test Case Validation, or an Outbound Campaign, fail to start due to clashing numbers have been improved to specify the numbers that are clashing. If the clash happens within the same Account ID, the message will also contain the Campaign name.

[CP-7977] - Fixed: {AllowHangUpInReply} Tag recording 0.0 duration

In certain circumstances using the {AllowHangUpInReply} Tag in a Step with no other ETH, Duration would be incorrectly recorded as 0.0s.

[CP-8320] - Fixed: Web Test Cases now support async functions

Previously you could not write JavaScript functions that used async code or promises. We have added a number of new functions to help support this. Please see the updated User Guide for more information.

[CP-8324] - Fixed: Improved error messaging for unsupported variables in Test Cases

When unsupported variables are used in Test Case Reply fields, the error message is more explanatory.

[CP-8349] - Fixed: Update version of Web Test Case after the change in linked Message Resolver

After this change, any modification and re-import of a Message Resolver as part of Web Test Case import will lead to all Test Cases that share the same Message Resolver to increment the version.

[CP-8350] - Fixed: Web Test Cases using a Message Resolver now have proper escaping

When a Message Resolver is used, the value from the Expect or Reply fields are now properly escaped for values that could cause the function to fail.

[CP-8368] - Fixed: Web Test Cases - Current element text when a match fails.

When a Web Test Case fails to match text (using the Contains or Matches functions), it will now indicate the text it did find.

[CP-8394] - Fixed: Test Case grid causing the error

In rare circumstances, after adding a Test Case Step, an error would occur due to incorrect JSON being generated.

[CP-8410] - Fixed: Error when opening Messages popup on SMS Test Case Validation screen

If Tags were used to extract variables when executing SMS Test Case, Users would see an error when opening the Messages popup on Test Case Validation screen.

[CP-8650] - Fixed: Portal is not deleting all email template files under Windows temp folder

Over an extended operational time, Web Portal servers can accumulate email template temporary files that are not cleaned automatically.

[CP-8672] - Fixed: Dashboard - Error when saving Service Group with no Test Cases

An unhandled error would occur when a User attempted to save a Service Group with no Test Cases selected.

[CP-8732] - Fixed: CVA Finesse now records correct error if connectivity with CTI fails

Previously an unrelated formatting exception was printed in CVA logs if there were connectivity issues with Finesse CTI. For example, an incorrect agent password. Now the logs will record the correct connectivity error.

[CP-8752] - Fixed: CX Model "Crawl from Here" screen change issue

The "Crawl from Here" option within a CX Model no longer causes a screen change.

[CP-8755] - Fixed: Deleting a Service Library folder did not complete fully

Previously when a Service Library folder with Services was deleted it could result in deleted Services and a remaining folder. This has been resolved to delete the folder and all of its contents.

[CP-8758] - Fixed: CE.Next Calls Stuck in Ending State

Under certain circumstances, calls made with CE.Next could get stuck in the call ending state if the call was terminated almost instantly.

[CP-8854] - Fixed: Validation of deleted Test Case produces ERROR in Voice Scheduler log files

In a scenario when a User has attempted re-Validation of a deleted Test Case, the Voice Scheduler would log an ERROR. This has been rectified, so now a DEBUG level log is rendered, and the User is notified with the appropriate message.

[CP-8904] - Fixed: Failure to Move Recordings

In very rare circumstances attempting to move Call Recordings would fail and log a warning that files are locked.

[CP-8921] - Fixed: The action button on the CX Model edit page was sometimes misaligned

When the "Auto-Generate Test Cases" option is disabled on the CX Model edit page, the action button was sometimes misaligned.

[CP-8924] - Fixed: Last Run Result of Service from Service Library is saved

The status of the Last Run Result of a Service from the Service Library will now be saved.

[CP-8926] - Fixed: Pressing the Enter key is now handled correctly in CX Models

Pressing the Enter key when editing fields for selected Node on CX Model is now handled correctly.

[CP-8949] - Fixed: Web Portal Navigation Causing Reload

Navigation between certain pages in the Web Portal would force a complete browser to reload.

[CP-8955] - Fixed: Preserving Unicode apostrophe on Web Test Case Imports.

During import, Unicode apostrophes in Web Test Cases were incorrectly converted to straight apostrophes. Unicode apostrophes will now be preserved in the Expect and Reply fields.

[CP-8988] - Fixed: Service Step results via API 2.5

Fixed an internal error when requesting final results for Service Library Test Cases in API 2.5.

[CP-9030] - Fixed: CX Models: Cutting or deleting main menu element

If the Main Menu Node for a CX Model was cut or deleted and then exported, then the export could incorrectly contain two root elements. Any attempts to import the exported data would subsequently fail.

[CP-9033] - Fixed: Password Reset Issue

Certain Users were unable to perform a password reset if they had not accepted the initial invite link sent when the User was first created.

[CP-9034] - Fixed: Service Step Result Details showed incorrect messages on failure

Due to a recent update, the reason given for a Service Step failure was incorrect. Previously, it would detail the response code and response reason in the message.

[CP-9040] - Fixed: Choice Step Variable Failure to Play

Test Case Steps using the {Choice} Tag in the Expect to Hear field, that also contained a Variable, would fail to play any audio if the following Step did not include any Expect to Hear text.

[CP-9048] - Fixed: CE.Next Calls Stuck in Ending State

Under certain circumstances, calls received with CE.Next could get stuck in the call ending state if the Test Case preparation had failed.

[CP-9054] - Fixed: Web Test Cases now support a URL of about: blank

To support Web Test Cases that do not exercise a web site (such as REST or Chat Bot tests) you can now use the empty about blank URL in Web Test Cases.

[CP-9057] - Fixed: Distorted audio for the μ-law call

When μ-law was selected as the codec for a Call, CE.Next could incorrectly send distorted audio.

[CP-9066] - Fixed: Cyara.Web.Identity race condition issue

Under rare circumstances, the Identity service could initiate a race condition causing issues with Database schema edits.

[CP-9074] - Fixed: Virtual Agent SNMP traps

SNMP traps will now be sent by the Notification Service for Virtual Agent events.

[CP-9097] - Fixed: Web Test Case attribute to disable screenshots

A new Test Case attribute has been introduced to disable screenshots.             

DisableScreenshots = True/False

[CP-9099] - Fixed: CE.Next - Fixed crash when receiving incoming call

When no Outbound channels are configured, and CE.Next received an incoming Call, it would crash with an entry in the Windows Event Error log.

[CP-9105] - Fixed: Web Test Cases that use the Matches function now ignores additional


Previously, you had to use the Wildcard Tag {*} to avoid matching on extra whitespace. Now, all additional whitespace is removed from the match value before a comparison is made.

[CP-9127] - Fixed: CX/AX - Unable to enter Key Value pairs

When using CX/AX, and creating a new Test Case Agent Step, adding key-value pairs would display an error and would not be saved.

[CP-9144] - Fixed: Editing Large CX Models

Modifying Large CX Models would incorrectly result in a model reload when adding new Nodes.

[CP-9163] - Fixed: Dashboard - Deadlock when running multiple instances

When multiple instances of the Dashboard Feed service were running, occasionally there would be a SQL deadlock that occurred when the same Dashboard was being processed by more than one instance.

[CP-9185] - Fixed: Web Test Case export to include Custom Functions

Previously Custom Functions were only editable directly from the database. This feature now exposes the Custom Function definitions in the XML export. Additionally, these Custom Functions can also be imported.

[CP-9192] - Fixed: Errors during Test Case export to Excel

When the Excel Spreadsheet option was picked during Test Case export it resulted in an error.

[CP-9218] - Fixed: Cyara Storage race condition with cache folders

In a circumstance where multiple instances of Cyara Storage would be attempting to handle the same cache directory in a very short time window, due to Windows OS network share cache view, some warnings or errors could be logged into the log files.

[CP-9222] - Fixed: Web Test Cases with missing Expect or Reply values completes

When running Web Test Cases from a data-driven scenario sometimes the Expect and Reply values would result in an empty string. This would cause the Test Case to fail the Step.                      Now a Step will complete successfully if both the Expect and Reply values are missing.

[CP-9241] - Fixed: MaxAPS via Create/Update Plans API Route

The maximumAps field can now be updated through Create/Update Plans API Routes.

[CP-9247] - Fixed: HandlePreConnectAudioReady event loss

Under certain circumstances when loading audio files, the HandlePreConnectAudioReady event was lost.

[CP-9250] - Fixed: End date of Plans after changing Month

The End Date of Plans created via the API will now correctly update if the Plan month is changed.

[CP-9252] - Fixed: Email Cruncher plan creation via API

Under certain circumstances, creating an Email Cruncher Plan via the API would return errors.

[CP-9256] - Fixed: Cyara.Notification now supports TLS

Cyara.Notification service will now attempt to use TLS when communicating with HTTPS endpoints.

[CP-9259] - Fixed: Cyara REST API Campaign Abort response inconsistency

In some cases, when issuing an Abort request through the REST API, the "previous" Campaign Run Status returned would be shown as "Success", when it should have been "Running" if Abort had not been processed yet, or "Aborted" if it was.

[CP-9272] - Fixed: Dashboard - Provide an option to use solid colors for charts

The default grid lines for the charts use a blur effect. This can be difficult to read when lines overlap close together. An option has been provided to remove the blur from these colors.

[CP-9286] - Fixed: No results returned for Test Case using Service Step

If a Service Step completed after a phone call had ended, the results of the Test Case were never finalized and returned to Voice Scheduler.

[CP-9329] - Fixed: Audio sent to broadcast address

In some cases, CE.Next could fail to read media connection information from an SDP offered by a peer. The peer host would not be read, and CE.Next would incorrectly direct RTP packets to

[CP-9378] - Fixed: Omni Scheduler Crash

Under extremely rare circumstances, the Omni Scheduler service could crash when processing an unusually long result sent by the Chat Coordinator.

[CP-9472] - Fixed: Portal Cache Changes for API

The Cyara Web Portal cache will now correctly validate changes pushed to it via API.

[CP-9507] - Fixed: CE.Next RTP Processing Hang

A check has been added to ensure that the RTP processing cycle time is within reasonable bounds.

[CP-9580] - Fixed: Web Test Cases - Ignore console logging for load Campaigns

The Web Test Case attribute EnableConsoleLogging which controls whether to log all output from the browser console window was not working for Campaigns.

[CP-9613] - Fixed: CE.Next - Full Call Recording or Step Recording stalled

An issue was observed where CE.Next would mark the call as complete before the Full Call Recording (FCR) or current Step Recording was completed. This would hang the FCR or Step Recording until the RTP port was reused.

[CP-9633] - Fixed: CE.Next - SIP Endpoint bound to RTP interface

If separate interfaces were configured for SIP and RTP, CE.Next was incorrectly binding the SIP endpoint to the RTP interface.

[CP-9644] - Fixed: Optional Steps and nested Choice Tags

Test Cases would fail to start if they met all of the following conditions:

  1. Usage of the {Choice} Tag, that included many prompt options
  2. Contained a Step with the {Optional Speech} Tag

[CP-9688] - Fixed: CE.Next losing Message Bus Connectivity

In rare circumstances, if CE.Next lost connectivity to the Message Bus, subsequent attempts to generate TTS utterances could fail.

[CP-9730] - Fixed: Crawling an invalid number

Crawling an invalid phone number will now return the correct error message.

[CP-9922] - Fixed: Portal hanging when adding Service Steps

When adding SMS or Web Service Steps to a Voice Test Case Step, the Portal could hang.

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