Platform Release Version 7.8.3

Platform Features

[CP-10293] - Feature: Pulse Dashboard - Comments

Comments can now be applied to a Test Result within a Pulse Dashboard.

[CP-10628] - Feature: CE.Next - RTP Logging Improvements

Two new measures have been added to the CE.Next log files. RTP cycle loop latency and RTP
Sleep/collect time latency will now be recorded in logs.

[CP-10797] - Feature: Developer Central Help Link
A help link has been added to the Cyara Portal that points to the Developer Central API and
Integration Documentation resource.

[CP-10831] - Feature: CX Model - {Optional} Tag Support
The {Optional} Tag is now supported in CX Models.

Platform Changes

[CP-10927] - Changed: Voice Scheduler retries Pulse Campaign in face of database connectivity

If the Platform Database is unavailable when a Pulse Campaign is scheduled to start, the Voice
Scheduler will now periodically attempt to start the Campaign. Previously, an error message would
be logged, and the Campaign would need to be manually restarted again.

Issue Fixes

[CP-7136] - Fixed: SAML Login Issue

SAML Logins will now display an appropriate error message for authentication issues, instead of a
generic "Unexpected Error".

[CP-8028] - Fixed: Transcription Error handling

The Transcription service now has a configurable timeout, so that if a failure in external
dependencies is identified, the service will stop accepting new transcription requests and log an
appropriate error message.

[CP-10044] - Fixed: CX Model - JSON Export Audio File Paths

Audio File paths will now export correctly in a JSON Export from a CX Model.

[CP-10313] - Fixed: Duplicate Service Name Constraint

Validation of duplicate Service Names within the same folder has been tightened.

[CP-10494] - Fixed: Test Case Comments Text Overflow

Comment text on Test Cases will no longer flow out of its set boundary.

[CP-10601] - Fixed: CX-AX Velocity Campaign Test Case retry

For CX-AX enabled Velocity Campaigns that are configured to retry failed Test Cases, a delay in the
Cyara Agent service to publish result summaries could cause the Voice Scheduler to experience
delays in processing requests.

[CP-10602] - Fixed: Test Case Tickets Error

An appropriate error message will now be displayed when trying to create a Ticket from a Test Case
Result without a Notification Service configured.

[CP-10603] - Fixed: Test Case Creating Comments

The text box for entering comments on Tickets has been updated to be adjustable.

[CP-10633] - Fixed: Creating Campaign via API

Creating a Campaign using the POST API route will now correctly return an error if no Test Cases are

[CP-10640] - Fixed: Pulse Dashboard - Splunk Integration Timeout

The response time value for Splunk Integrations has been increased for the initial load to resolve a
timeout issue.

[CP-10701] - Fixed: Database Upgrade

Upgrading from Cyara 7.7.1 or 7.7.2 to Cyara 7.8 was failing due to a mismatched expected schema

[CP-10783] - Fixed: Executing Campaigns with Scheduled Pauses via API

In rare circumstances, attempting to execute a Campaign that contained Scheduled Pauses via the
API would incorrectly return an error.

[CP-10787] - Fixed: CE.Next - Duplicate Step 0 Results

In rare circumstances, if a Call was unanswered, CE.Next could incorrectly send back duplicate
results for step 0 of the Test Case Run, which would cause an ERROR to be logged by the Voice

[CP-10789] - Fixed: Creating Campaigns with invalid Max CAPS

Validation of the Max CAPS fields when creating Campaigns via the API has been tightened to
prevent creation of invalid Campaigns.

[CP-10795] - Fixed: Fixed incorrect removal of Journeys

When starting a new Journey using the same CLI as an older Journey, certain cleanup scenarios
resulted in accidental removal of the new Journey information.

[CP-10813] - Fixed: Identity Provider Misconfiguration Issues

If invalid configuration data was supplied when setting up or editing an Identity Provider, the Portal
could unexpectedly crash without an appropriate error message when the form was submitted.
Additional validation has been added to prevent this from occurring.

[CP-10837] - Fixed: CX Model - Missing Scenario Validation

Improved messaging for validation issues that occur with a CX Model that is missing Scenarios.

[CP-10859] - Fixed: CE.Next - Port Lock

Under rare circumstances, if an exception occurs during recognition result handling, a CE.Next call
port would lock, requiring a service restart.

[CP-10866] - Fixed: {Optional} Tag Validation Improvements

The {Optional} Tag used in Test Cases has increased validation to prevent entering Tags that will not
parse or function correctly. Validation prompts will be displayed for invalid Tag usage.

[CP-10870] - Fixed: Wildcard {*} Tag Consistency
The Wildcard {*} Tag has been updated to ensure consistent behavior between Call Engine and

[CP-10889] - Fixed: CX Model - Data Set Generation

When generating a Data Set from a CX Model, upper case and lower case names of Decisions and
Decision options will be ignored.

[CP-10912] - Fixed: Password Reset Email Address Configuration

The From: address to use when sending out emails specified in the Web Portal configuration file will
now be honored.

[CP-10929] - Fixed: Integrations - PureCloud screen locks up

When an integration for Genesys PureCloud was misconfigured, the Export option from CX Modelscould lock up the browser and become unresponsive.

[CP-10933] - Fixed: Portal Bulk Notifications Memory Leak

If a large number of bulk notification emails were sent over a short period of time, the Web Portal
could crash due to an out of memory exception.

[CP-10959] - Fixed: Velocity Reporting Load Times

Loading times when switching tabs in the Reporting menu have been improved.

[CP-10961] - Fixed: Voice Scheduler stagnant Campaigns

In a rare scenario when the following conditions were met:
1. Pulse Campaign executed the last Test Case
2. Voice Scheduler does not have any events to process on the event thread
3. Windows thread scheduler takes CPU from the thread completing the Campaign Run and gives it
to the event processing thread at a particular time slice...
then the Voice Scheduler would fail to close off the Pulse Campaign Run, and the Pulse Campaign
would remain stagnant until manually aborted.

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