7.9 Release & Support Timetable
Release Date | End of Life | End of Support |
November 4th, 2019 | November 4th, 2020 | November 4, 2021 |
Note: "End of Life" states that no more new deployments are allowed of this version.
End of Support is that no more issue fixes or patches will be made available for this version.
7.9 New Features
[CP-7628] - Feature: Concurrency for Editing Call Routing Rules
Call Routing Rules now ensure concurrency. Users are only able to save the Rules if they are not working on a stale copy.
[CP-8146] - Feature: API Route for Audio File Upload
A new API Route is available to upload Audio Files.
[CP-9157] - Feature: Read Only PDF Reports
Reports that generate a PDF can now be downloaded with editing privileges removed. Select the "Read-Only PDF" option.
[CP-9374] - Feature: API - Test Case Validation
A new API Route is available to validate a specified Test Case.
[CP-9932] - Feature: CX Model - Organization & Searching
CX Models can now be organized into a folder structure and are searchable.
[CP-10162] - Feature: CX Model - Export including Data Set JSON
Exports of CX Models now contain JSON to describe any linked Data Sets.
[CP-10464] - Feature: API - Retrieve List of Test Cases for Account
A new API route is available to retrieve a list of all Test Cases for a specified Account.
[CP-10481] - Feature: API - Retrieve Test Case Details
A new API route is available to fetch Test Case details for the supplied Test Case ID.
[CP-10586] - Feature: Pulse Dashboard - Comments Support
Comments can now be added to a Test Case result directly from a Pulse Dashboard.
[CP-10632] - Feature: CE.Next - Stats Logging Improvement
For each statistic that CE.Next is logging, thresholds have been added for each of the log lines for INFO, WARN or ERROR logs. This makes these issue types more visible.
[CP-10806] - Feature: NAT Support for Speech Operations
Previously Cyara Platform required Speech Services to exist in the same network as Call Engine and Portal. This has now been extended to support the capability of running Speech Services behind a NAT setup. For further details please consult Deployment Guide and look for DirectFileTransferSettings.FileTransferAlternateEndpoints configuration.
[CP-10814] - Feature: Retry Pre-Connect Call Failures
Cyara Platform now enables retry attempt for pre-connect call failures. This helps mitigate sporadic carrier pre-connect failures. The feature is handled via a combination of Call Routing Rules and configuring the Max Call Connect Retries setting via Account configuration in Portal. For more information, please consult the User Guide.
[CP-10865] - Feature: API - Run Test Cases
A new API Route is available to run a specified Test Case.
[CP-10875] - Feature: API - Abort Running Test Case
A new API Route is available to stop a specified Test Case that is currently running.
[CP-10902] - Feature: CE.Next - Benchmarking
CE.Next has been benchmarked on various capacities of server infrastructure to determine how many Cruncher & Cruncher.Lite ports would be available for that configuration. Consult the Deployment Guide for more information.
[CP-10923] - Feature: Dashboard Notification Service Config Update
Dashboard Alerts now have a new Success Threshold Notification value. When set to a value greater than 1, the service will wait for this number of continuous successful results after a failure before sending out the clearing alert. If not set, this will behave as it does today.
[CP-10988] - Feature: API - Fetch Audio Call Recording
API Routes have been added that fetches the Full Call Recording, and Step Recordings, for the supplied Test Result ID.
[CP-11001] - Feature: CVA support for Genesys Pure Cloud and Pure Engage Cloud
Genesys Pure Cloud and Pure Engage Cloud has been added to the list of supported CVA products.
[CP-11021] - Feature: New Integration - PagerDuty
A new integration to PagerDuty is available, allowing for automated ticket creation when attached to an Alarm Profile. See Developer Central for more information on how to enable and configure this integration.
[CP-11030] - Feature: Campaign Completion Notifications
Campaigns can now generate notifications upon Campaign completion.
[CP-11042] - Feature: CE.Next - SIP Proxy Registration
SIP Proxy Registration is now available on CE.Next.
[CP-11067] - Feature: Crawler - Element Search
Crawler now supports searching for Elements.
7.9 Platform Updates
[CP-7868] - Changed: CX Model - Visio Export Decision & GoTo Elements
Visio exports of CX Models will now contain Decision and GoTo Elements.
[CP-8635] - Changed: CX Model Phone Number Field Optional
The Phone Number field at the start of a CX Model is now flagged as Optional.
[CP-10821] - Changed: CX Model - Optional Tag Validation Warning
CX Models that contain the {Optional} Tag will now return an Error Notification when prompts that are using the {Optional} Tag are followed by prompts with a different PSST.
[CP-10835] - Changed: Call Routing Rules Enhancements
The Call Routing Rules XML schema has been enhanced to facilitate visibility and troubleshooting. The Primary/Backup group constraint has been removed. In addition, Routes are extended to include optional Name and Comment elements, and CEGroups are extended to include an optional Comment element.
[CP-10892] - Changed: Test Case Viewing Actions
Clicking View in the Actions panel will now open the link in a new tab, instead of the current one.
[CP-10899] - Changed: Storage Service Optimizations
Storage Service performance has been improved by optimizing cache handling for cloud storage providers.
[CP-10955] - Changed: Expandable Expect To Hear Fields
The Expect to Hear fields on a Test Case can now be expanded by clicking and dragging on the bottom right corner.
[CP-11004] - Changed: CX Model Editor Naming Update
Renamed some labels in CX Model:
- Change "Elements" to "Options"
- Change "Input" to "Reply With"
- Change "Menu Name" to "Name"
[CP-11163] - Changed: API - Voice Call Steps Route
The Voice Call Steps Route has been changed to allow for greater specificity. The Route is now formatted as follows; GET /v3.0/accounts/{accountId}/{channel}/testresults/{testResultId}/recordings
7.9 Issue Fixes
[CP-4016] - Fixed: CX Model - Concurrency Check
CX Models will now return a warning that the CX Model has been changed when attempting to edit an Element that has already been deleted in another session.
[CP-9401] - Fixed: Test Case Step Auto-Transcribe fails when the previous Step uses "Empty" Reply
The validation blocking this has been removed, and the Test Case Step's Auto-Transcribe will now wait up to 120 seconds after an "Empty" Reply for the next menu prompt.
[CP-9403] - Fixed: Processing multiple transcriptions in Velocity Test Cases
Previously only one transcription at a time could be processed in Velocity Test Cases when auto transcribing prompts. This limitation was removed.
[CP-10382] - Fixed: CE.Next - Results Discrepancy using Optional Speech
CE.Next and Prompt Analyzer results would incorrectly differ when the ExpectToHear of the previous Step included an Optional Speech Step.
[CP-10398] - Fixed: CE.Next - Unable to move Recording
When CE.Next encountered an issue where it had no RTP ports available, it would be unable to move call recordings.
[CP-10447] - Fixed: API - Duplicating CX Models with Decision Elements
CX Models that contain Decision Elements can now be duplicated with the API.
[CP-10455] - Fixed: Data-Driven Test Cases Improved Error Reporting
Test Cases that are using Data Sets now include improved error messaging if duplicate data is detected.
[CP-10520] - Fixed: Voice Scheduler Multiple Duplicate Campaign Runs
Resolved an issue where a Campaign could be started multiple times by clicking Run during the startup time.
[CP-10541] - Fixed: Campaign selection on Custom Pulse Report
All Campaigns that are being monitored can now be correctly selected and deselected by double-clicking on the Campaigns folder.
[CP-10551] - Fixed: Identity Provider Issue
The Storage service will now return a descriptive error message if the Identity Provider is misconfigured with the wrong URL.
[CP-10588] - Fixed: Voice Scheduler logs ERROR when shutting down
In some cases, when Voice Scheduler was being shut down, it could log an ERROR trying to shutdown the Cyara Notification client. This has been resolved.
[CP-10589] - Fixed: Cyara Storage Exceptions logged on high load
When a load Campaign is prepared by the Voice Scheduler, to avoid potential delays in fetching files from Cloud storage, Voice Scheduler sends "PreLoad" messages to Cyara Storage to warm up the local cache with the required files. In some cases, lock contention on the file system resources will cause an exception to be logged by Cyara Storage. This has been addressed with an improved locking strategy.
[CP-10591] - Fixed: Cyara Storage logs warning on instance collision
In some cases, a Cyara Storage service could log a WARN level log line when it fails to synchronize concurrent access by multiple instances to the same cache location on a shared volume. This has been redacted as it is an expected scenario.
[CP-10611] - Fixed: CE.Next - Poor Voice Quality Under Heavy Load
Under heavy load CE.Next could experience an issue where call audio is played too fast, resulting in poor voice quality.
[CP-10612] - Fixed: CX Model - Limit notifications in downloaded Data Sets
Only data related notifications will be present in a Data Set when it is downloaded from the CX Model screen. All other notifications will be excluded.
[CP-10781] - Fixed: API - Creating Campaigns with an Invalid Run Date
Campaigns can no longer be created via the API with an invalid run date.
[CP-10823] - Fixed: Validating attached data for Agents
Returned or expected values that contain multiple spaces between words will now correctly show on the report on the Agent data validation Step.
[CP-10825] - Fixed: API - Creating Campaigns with an invalid Ramp-Up Time
Campaigns created via the API can no longer have an invalid Ramp Up Time.
[CP-10868] - Fixed: Test Case Validation with Duplicate Optional Speech
Test Cases will now fail Validation if the Optional Speech Step has the same text as the previous Step.
[CP-10874] - Fixed: CX Model - Generating Data Sets with Invalid Characters
Data Sets generated from a CX Model that contains invalid characters will now return the correct error.
[CP-10896] - Fixed: API - Folder Path Inconsistencies for Root Folder
Resolved an issue where the API would return inconsistent results when fetching Test Cases for the root folder Path value.
[CP-10905] - Fixed: CX Model - Duplicate Decision and Input Name Validation
CX Models will now display an error in the notification list if a Decision Element and an Input are using the same name.
[CP-10926] - Fixed: CE.Next - LogEndOfCallStats Logging Improvements
Resolved an issue where LogEndOfCallStats could be duplicated incorrectly in CE.Next logs.
[CP-10949] - Fixed: Reporting Agent Desktop Behaviours with Long Names
Agent Desktop Behaviour that contains long names will no longer throw a General Error when reports are generated.
[CP-10951] - Fixed: UI Menu Highlights on Navigation
When navigating between different sections of the Portal, the current UI element will now correctly be highlighted in the main menu.
[CP-10959] - Fixed: Velocity Reporting Load Times
Loading times when switching tabs in the Reporting menu have been improved.
[CP-10968] - Fixed: SAML - Identity configuration links case not honoured
When a URL is given for an Identity Provider, the case is important. The configuration now honours the casing provided by the User.
[CP-10993] - Fixed: CE.Next - No RTP Ports Available
Under rare circumstances, CE.Next would not free up RTP ports correctly, resulting in calls being dropped and audio recordings unable to be moved.
[CP-11006] - Fixed: CE.Next - Contact Header Construction
Resolved an issue where CE.Next would incorrectly create a Contact header that points to the PBX and not the Call Engine as intended.
[CP-11009] - Fixed: Voice Scheduler - Logging Change
Calls started in Maintenance Mode will no longer incorrectly generate ERROR logging lines.
[CP-11014] - Fixed: API - Duplicating CX Models with the same name
CX Models that are duplicated using the API Route must now have their name changed.
[CP-11020] - Fixed: Crawler - Unhandled Exception
When Crawling from an Element in a CX Model, and then immediately deleting the Element before the Test Case is created to harvest the menu audio, an Exception would be generated. This scenario will now generate warnings in log files.
[CP-11027] - Fixed: API - Creating Folders with Invalid Characters
Creating folders with invalid characters in the name via the API is no longer possible.
[CP-11033] - Fixed: CX Models - Inheriting Speakers
When adding Elements to a CX Model, Elements will now correctly inherit the speaker configuration of the Parent Element.
[CP-11036] - Fixed: Duplicate results pushed into Splunk
The Dashboard result feed into Splunk was adding duplicate records for each poll. This has been fixed now so the same results are not processed again.
[CP-11114] - Fixed: Crawler - Sorting by Last Modified
Crawls can now be sorted correctly by the Last-Modified field.
[CP-11122] - Fixed: CE.Next - DTMF Input Echo
In rare circumstances CE.Next would incorrectly send multiple DTMF inputs to the far end on the call.
[CP-11132] - Fixed: API - Dashboards with Restricted Access
When calling the API for the list of dashboards an Account has, Dashboards that have restricted access will now correctly appear.
[CP-11137] - Fixed: Database Migration Script Issue
Resolved an issue that would not cause data loss, but prevent the upgrade, in the Database Migration Script when upgrading from 46.1 to 47.0.
[CP-11253] - Fixed: CX Model - Exporting to Genesys PureCloud with Empty Elements
CX Models can now be exported to Genesys PureCloud even if they contain Elements without any verbiage.
[CP-11254] - Fixed: CX Model - Exporting to Genesys PureCloud with special characters
Special characters within an Element in a CX Model will no longer prevent that Model from being exported to Genesys PureCloud.
[CP-11278] - Fixed: Pulse Dashboard - Special Character Support
Campaigns that contain special characters can now render correctly on a Pulse Dashboard.
[CP-11293] - Fixed: Crawler - Missing Audio File Exception
The crawler will now return a usable error message when attempting to retrieve a confidence score for an Audio File that no longer exists.