Platform Release Version 7.10.0

7.10 Release & Support Timetable

Release Date End of Life End of Support
January 20th, 2020 January 20th, 2021 January 20th, 2022

Note: "End of Life" states that no more new deployments are allowed of this version.
End of Support is that no more issue fixes or patches will be made available for this version.

7.10 New Features

[CP-10631] - Feature: API - Campaign Run Test Result Feed

This method provides a pull-feed style interface that allows constant polling of the Cyara Platform for new Test Case results. This method can specify an Account / Plan Type combination, as well as sequentially retrieve historical Test Case results.

[CP-10909] - Feature: Endpoint Registration Resiliency

In case of network failure/issues, Endpoints can lose registration. This feature enables Cyara Endpoints to periodically check and re-register endpoints without restarting the CE.Next service.

[CP-11035] - Feature: API - CX Export Routes

A new route is available to export a CX Model in a Genesys PureCloud or Amazon Connect compatible format.

[CP-11046] - Feature: Maintenance Mode for CE.Next

CE.Next now has the capability to observe Maintenance Mode, to help facilitate upgrade/maintenance tasks.

[CP-11281] - Feature: SSO Users can Logout

Now there is a button for Single-Sign-On users to logout.

[CP-11370] - Feature: Abort All Running Campaigns

To facilitate upgrading the Cyara Platform version, the Platform now provides an efficient mechanism to Abort All Running Campaigns. This can be achieved via Portal or REST endpoints. For further details, please check the documentation.

[CP-11372] - Feature: New Environment Types

Virtual Agent vendor list has been updated. "Genesys" vendor has been renamed to "Genesys PureEngage". "Genesys PureEngage Cloud", "Genesys PureCloud" and "Amazon Connect" were added as separate Environment types and now should be used instead of the generic "Cloud" vendor.

[CP-11379] - Feature: Cloud Broker installation via Windows Installer

A Windows installer is now available to install the Cloud Broker service.

[CP-11389] - Feature: ServiceNow Integration now Includes the Option to Auto-close Tickets

A new configuration option is now available to auto-close a Ticket after a specific number of successful Test Results for ServiceNow.

[CP-11418] - Feature: API - Fetch Full Call and Step Recordings

A new API route is available to fetch Full Call Recordings and Step Recordings.

[CP-11431] - Feature: Cloud Broker Configuration Files

During Cloud Broker installation, a config file will be created as per other Cyara Services to manage configuration.

7.10 Platform Updates

[CP-8106] - Changed: Alarms - Suffix change for Dashboard alerts for Web Tests

The Cyara Reference number assigned to a failing Dashboard alarm used to be suffixed with a C for Web Test Cases. This has been changed to W, for example, CR-1234W

[CP-10444] - Changed: Various Logging Level Changes

Various logging changes have been made to more accurately categorize the severity of log events.

[CP-10998] - Changed: Support for Slower Communication When Retrieving Agent Data from

Remote Location

In a CX-AX linked environment, it may take some time for the attached data to arrive from the remote system. If by the time the validation Step started to execute, and data had not yet arrived, it was causing this Step to fail regardless of the timeout configured for the Step. After this fix, the timeout of the validation Step will be respected and if data arrives before it expires the Step will execute and compare the arrived data with expected values.

[CP-11084] - Changed: Cyara Storage Exception Logged on Timeout

In some scenarios, if Cyara Web Identity is taking a long time to respond, Cyara Storage might log an exception to its logfiles. This has been changed to the WARN level log.

[CP-11357] - Changed: Integrations - Provide an Indication the Password Field has been Filled

The integration forms that required passwords now give you an indication that a value has already been supplied.

[CP-11386] - Changed: CE.Next - Shutdown Logging Improvements

During the LogPendingCleanup stage when shutting down Call Engine Next, pending log entries will be saved before the shutdown process is complete.

[CP-11393] - Changed: "Connected" Status for Agents in Real-Time Report

The process of connecting and then logging in Agents into the telephony system can take some time. Now the "Connected" status will be visible on real-time agents report making the diagnosis of any issues easier.

[CP-11472] - Changed: Web Portal - Logging Improvements

The Cyara Web Portal will no longer log common exceptions in its respective logging files to reduce noise and improve log readability.

[CP-11479] - Changed: Crawler - Default PSST Changes

When no PSST is specified on a CX Model, Crawler now uses the following in order of preference:

  1. PSST value specified on the Element
  2. Default PSST value specified for the Model
  3. Default PSST value specified for the Platform
  4. Default minimum PSST (1.0 seconds)

[CP-11488] - Changed: API - Test Results by TestRunTicketId

The API Route to query Test results by TestRunTicketId has been changed, consult the API Documentation for the correct route.

[CP-11514] - Changed: CE.Next - Codec Rules

When CE.Next is configured to use only a specified codec and a Test Case with the {Codecs } Tag that uses a different codec is run, the call will no longer be placed and an error will be returned.

[CP-11535] - Changed: Storage - Installer Hosting Base URI Changes

Storage Installer will now offer to configure Hosting Base URI during the installation process. Making changes to this URI is still available in the configuration files for the Storage Service.

[CP-11545] - Changed: Audio Size for MOS

Cyara Platform previously would not run the quality analysis for audio files exceeding 30 seconds. For details, please consult the User Guide and ITU P.863 Section 7.1. The limit has been relaxed and a

message will be added for MOS requests that exceed 30 seconds in the step result.

[CP-11547] - Changed: CE.Next - Logging Improvements

CE.Next will now log how many calls are currently running when acquiring a new channel.

[CP-11548] - Changed: API - Voice Call Recording Route Change

The API Route to retrieve a Voice Call Recording has been changed to the following:


[CP-11571] - Changed: Disabled In-Progress Validation Comments

Comments are only available on completed Test Results.

[CP-11596] - Changed: API - Merging Similar Field Names

Various similar field names that serve the same purpose have been merged to reduce confusion. Consult the API documentation for more information.

[CP-11603] - Changed: PagerDuty - Lookup of Service field

The lookup of the PagerDuty Service field can now be made using the ID or label. When a PagerDuty Integration is configured for an Alarm Profile the Service field can now be determined for these unattended ticket creations.

[CP-11858] - Changed: HID.exe removed from Schedulers

Cyara Voice and Omni Schedulers no longer package HID.exe for generating Hardware ID. This can now be retrieved via running Schedulers as Console App or by application log files. For further details please consult the Deployment Guide.

7.10 Issue Fixes

[CP-6238] - Fixed: Platform Wide Text Validation

Added further improvements to text validation to block text, strings and special characters from being saved into sections where they would cause errors.

[CP-8319] - Fixed: Audio File Renaming

Renaming an uploaded Audio File will now correctly update Test Case links to that Audio File.

[CP-8772] - Fixed: API - Deleting a FolderID Containing a Service

Deleting a FolderID via the API will no longer delete Services within the specified folder ID.

[CP-9569] - Fixed: Unable to save Test Case changes

When an audio reply Step was changed to a Step without a reply, the Model could fail to save.

[CP-10364] - Fixed: CE.Next - DTMF Disparity with CE

Resolved an issue in Full Call Recordings where DTMF duration and inter-digit pauses differed between CE.Next and Call Engine.

[CP-10478] - Fixed: Data Driving Voice Test Cases Error

Where a Data-Driven Parameter Name contained an opening square bracket, an error message would incorrectly be displayed and logged when viewing Test Case details.

[CP-10608] - Fixed: CE.Next - Re-using Variables in Expect To Hear

Multiple uses of the same variable within a single ETH field will now correctly return an error in CE.Next.

[CP-10964] - Fixed: Integration Hub Login Error Messaging

The Cyara Integration Hub will now return more informative error messages when incorrect login credentials are provided.

[CP-11017] - Fixed: Integration - Splunk Feed for Web Test Results

When a Splunk Integration is configured for a Dashboard containing Web Test cases, the call to get the results from the API will no longer fail.

[CP-11143] - Fixed: Storage Service Fails to Uninstall if the UNC Path no Longer Exists

When the Storage Service is installed using a file share and the share no longer exists, when the Storage Service is uninstalled, the uninstall will no longer fail.

[CP-11145] - Fixed: Service Step Result received after the call has ended.

In rare circumstances, a Service Step Result could not be returned before the Call is completed. Rather than correctly aborting the Service Step, the Test Case would proceed to wait and is eventually cleaned up. This would then cause an internal error to be logged as the Test Case attempts to continue execution with no associated voice channel.

[CP-11196] - Fixed: Voice Quality Request Argument Exception

In the case where Cyara Voice Quality service was not available for prolonged periods of time, automatic retries would cause an Argument Exception (Invalid request TTL) in some scenarios.

[CP-11241] - Fixed: Test Case Name Searches With Brackets

Support added for square brackets in a search pattern when searching for Test Cases that contain square brackets in their name.

[CP-11261] - Fixed: CX Model - Exporting to Genesys PureCloud with Decisions.

CX Models that contain Decision Elements can now be successfully exported to a Genesys PureCloud Environment.

[CP-11270] - Fixed: CE.Next - Excessive SIP Messaging

In a rare circumstance, CE.Next would send a large volume of messages to the SIP peer as it was trying to cancel an unanswered outbound call. Excessive SIP Messaging scenarios such as these have been resolved.

[CP-11315] - Fixed: CE.Next - Sending RTP after Receiving SendOnly

Resolved a rare situation where Call Engine Next would continue to send RTP packets even after receiving SendOnly in the Reinvite.

[CP-11367] - Fixed: Banner Error Messages Timeout

Banner error/success messages will now automatically close after a short period, rather than having to close these manually.

[CP-11384] - Fixed: OmniScheduler - Out Of Memory Exceptions

Resolved an issue where in rare circumstances, SMS Test Cases would cause the OmniScheduler Service to generate out of memory exceptions.

[CP-11390] - Fixed: Glares under high load and job start time optimizations

Voice Scheduler has been optimized to be able to start Load runs quicker. In addition, a bug that could cause Call Engine glares under high load has been fixed.

[CP-11394] - Fixed: Exporting to PureCloud with a Single Element

Exports to Genesys PureCloud will no longer fail if the CX Model contains a single Element.

[CP-11395] - Fixed: Exporting to PureCloud with a large CX Model

Resolved an issue where CX Models that contain a large number of Elements could fail to export to Genesys Purecloud.

[CP-11428] - Fixed: Pulse Dashboard - 404 Error

In rare circumstances, when attempting to open Test Case Results from a Dashboard, the Test Case would be displayed temporarily before incorrectly receiving a 404-File or directory not found error.

[CP-11471] - Fixed: Removed Error when Logged Out and Re-validating a Test Case

If you are logged out of Cyara and use the validate link on the Test Case result page to kick off a new validation, you will be taken to the home page instead of seeing an error message after logging in.

[CP-11474] - Fixed: Improved Expired Session Handling

Fixed some use cases where a user session had expired and the user was presented with an error instead of the login/logged-out page.

[CP-11475] - Fixed: API - Test Case Result URL

Test Case Result URL is now included in the API Test Case execution response.

[CP-11477] - Fixed: Campaign Action Button Error

An error could be displayed when using the Run/Abort/Delete from the Campaign page Action button if one of the selected Campaigns was configured to Retry Failed Test Cases.

[CP-11489] - Fixed: Soft Abort Velocity Campaign Fails to End

In rare circumstances, selecting to soft abort a running Velocity Campaign would fail to stop the Campaign.

[CP-11502] - Fixed: PagerDuty - Resolution Missing after Auto-closing

The Resolution field was being ignored by the REST API when an incident was auto-closed. Now a new Note is added prior to closing the ticket.

[CP-11508] - Fixed: Chat - Unhandled Exceptions

Resolved a reoccurring unhandled exception and null reference error in Cyara Chat service logs.

[CP-11523] - Fixed: Test Result Report Page Visibility

Users with the "Dashboard Only" role can now correctly see the Test Result Report page.

[CP-11538] - Fixed: CX Model - Japanese Character Support in Datasets

Attaching Datasets that contain Japanese characters to a CX Model will no longer cause an error. Note that the Japanese characters must be saved in the UTF-8 format.

[CP-11542] - Fixed: Dashboard - Notification of New Ticket not Shown

When an Incident Ticket was created by an Alarm, the blue Notification was not shown on the Dashboard.

[CP-11576] - Fixed: Dashboard - Response Time Chart Shows Failed Service Incorrectly

When a Dashboard chart was plotting response times it would incorrectly show the service as failed when it was below the maximum threshold.

[CP-11591] - Fixed: SMS Test Case Message Visibility

When logged in as a User with only the Dashboard role, and viewing SMS Test Case report, Users can now see “messages” to view the SMS messages on a Campaign.

[CP-11609] - Fixed: Data-Driven Test Case Import Improvements

An error message will be displayed if the supplied Data-Driven file for import has data-driven parameters which names are different by the case only, e.g. "Account" and "account"

[CP-11672] - Fixed: Insertion of Failed Chat Result

When a Chat Test Case fails and was expecting a large response, it could fail to record the result.

[CP-11709] - Fixed: SMS - Downloading Number List in IE or Edge

Downloading an SMS number list from an SMS Test Case via the Account tab, in either IE11 or Edge will no longer return an error.

[CP-11728] - Fixed: Integration Hub Logging Improvements

When creating issue tickets via the Integration Hub, these would incorrectly generate a WARN Error logline.

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