What are the tags supported in CX Model?

CX Model Tags


Cyara CX Models also support a specific range of Tags. When creating or editing a CX Model, you can insert Tags into various fields to cater for specific scenarios. Tags are keywords surrounded by curled brackets (for example, {TagName}) that perform a special action.

For a complete list of Tags that are supported in Test Cases, refer to the main Tags Article
Note: Tags are case sensitive.

CX Model Supported Tags

Category Tag Description
Expect to Hear Tags {Choice} A Choice tag can be used when matching a prompt that has at least two known alternatives. The user can specify multiple phrases and the recognition engine will attempt to match the prompt against each phrase.
  {EndCall} The {EndCall} Tag is designed to be used in combination with the Choice tag.

The {EndCall[ StepResult=result][Details="details"]} tag is allowed only with the <variable value> part of a {Choice} tag (that is, after the colon) to specify that the call should end if the <choice prompt> part of the choice is heard (that is, before the colon). This tag can be used with multiple alternatives in a Choice. If an alternative is heard, the call is ended with the Step marked with the specified result (Success, Satisfactory, or the default Failed). If the optional Details argument is specified, the details text will be included in the Detailed Step Result, otherwise it will contain "Ended call due to Choice option heard."


The {Language} tag is used for speech that deviates from the default speech recognition language on a particular Step.

  {Optional AudioLength}

{Optional Speech}

The {Optional} tag is used to mark a Step as “optional” for situations where prompts may/may not be played. For example, high-volume messaging, confirmations, holiday messages, and promotions.

If a Step is marked as optional, then it will be skipped if a prompt is heard that does not match its criteria. The prompt is considered absent if a prompt of matching criteria is not heard – it is marked as "Skipped" in the Step results and the Test Case will continue to the next Step. When the criteria of an optional Step is matched, any reply specified in the Reply With field is played before continuing to the next Step.

Note: Language tag cannot be used in Optional steps, meaning that a single Optional step supports a single language.

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