Platform Release Version 20.3

20.3 Release & Support Timetable

Release Date End of Life End of Support
September 1st, 2020 September 1st, 2021 September 1st, 2022

Note: "End of Life" states that no more new deployments are allowed of this version.
End of Support is that no more issue fixes or patches will be made available for this version.

20.3 New Features

[CP-13296] - Feature: CX Models - Copy/Paste Elements in a Model

CX Model Elements can now be copied and pasted within the same CX Model.

[POR-728] - Feature: Copy & Paste Multiple Elements between CX Models 

The Copy & Paste Action available on CX Models will now allow you to copy multiple Elements from a CX Model and paste these Elements in a different CX Model.

[POR-784] - Feature: Language Tag Update for Multi-lingual recognition within single CX Model Element or Test Case Step.

Multiple languages are supported within a single CX Model Element or Test Case Step with this update to the Language Tag. The Language Tag can now be used multiple times within a single Test Case Step or CX Model Element and any subsequent Expect to Hear text will be recognized in the language specified.

[POR-728] - Feature: Croatian & Icelandic Update for Cyara Speech Recognition

Croatian (hr-HR) and Icelandic (is-IS) are now available for Cyara Speech Recognition.

[SP-32] - Feature: Cyara 3.0 API - Test Case Import API Endpoint Available

A new Endpoint is available for the Cyara 3.0 REST API to import Cyara Test Case XML, consult the Cyara API Reference Documentation for more information.

[SP-134] - Feature: Cyara Load Test Booking Calendar

The Cyara Portal has been updated to include the Load Test Booking Calendar where larger load testing Campaigns can be scheduled and approved by Cyara using a calendar interface.

[CP-14782] - Feature: Custom Pulse report email whitelist

On an Account, it is now possible to define email domain whitelist. The whitelist limits emails that can receive scheduled custom pulse reports. This ensures reports are being sent through authorized email channels only.
If a whitelist is not specified any email address can be used to schedule a custom pulse report.

[CP-14784] - Feature: Pulse Campaigns - Test Case Failed Step Auto-Transcription

For Pulse Campaigns, Failed Test Case Step transcription now will be automatically provided after a call is completed.

[CP-14992] - Feature: Enhanced Language and Voice Tag helpers in Test Case Edit page

When editing an the Expect To Hear text on an existing Test Case Step, you may select the Language tag to insert. Previously this would only show one of the available Language tag options, now it will display all available, with the default set to the Account's default Language. In a similar manner, the Voice tag for the Reply text may will also present all available options, with the Account's default Voice preselected.

[CP-15045] - Feature: Cloud CVA Thumbnail View

A new option has been added for Cloud CVA Campaigns to show a snapshot of all running agents browsers.

20.3 Platform Updates

[CP-14777] - Changed: SOX Conversion replaced with FFmpeg

SOX was used in portal for various audio files transformations. To address security vulnerabilities found in SOX those transformations are now done with FFmpeg. While it is still possible to make portal and API to use SOX by modifying web configuration files, the plans are to completely remove SOX from portal and API installers in coming releases.

[CP-15343] - Changed: Update of 3rd Party Components

Third party open source components Lodash and Ace editor were updated to latest versions to mitigate reported security issues that existed in older versions.

[CP-14393] - Changed: Updated Software Credits

The Credits help page has been updated with new libraries and fixed broken links.

[CP-11754] - Changed: Journal Table Indexation Improvements.

Journal Table records accessed from the Cyara Web Portal are now indexed by DateCreated which improves Journal query performance.

[CP-14446] - Changed: Web Test Case Validation Improvements

If the Web Test Case Runner did not respond in a timely manner, the Test Case Validation would log an error with a non-descriptive internal error. Now if this occurs the Test Case will result in a fail instead.

[CP-14455] - Changed: Service Library - URL Validation Whitelist

Previously the Service Library allowed you to call HTTP endpoints for any URL. All URLs must now be explicitly added to the allowed list of domains for an account.

[CP-14936] - Changed: Synchronised Campaigns - Result Timeout

In a scenario when Cyara Virtual Agent side does not register itself during Synchronized Campaign Runs, the combined result will time out after the WaitForTestResult timeout configured in Cyara Voice Scheduler.
This has been changed, so that in this scenario, combined result will immediately be set to "Timeout" after Voice leg of the call completes.

[CP-14960] - Changed: Agent Campaign Site UI Update

Site ID and Server IDs will now be visible from the Sites and Environments menus by hovering over each server name.

[CP-15042] - Changed: Outbound Test Case DoNotAnswer Error Handling

Improved error messaging on Outbound Test Cases that are using the DoNotAnswer Feature to improve Test Case troubleshooting.

[CP-15197] - Changed: Cache-Control HTTP Header

Security improvement for Cyara Web Portal and Cyara WebAPI in the Cache-Control header responses. "no-store" is now included in addition to previously included headers.

[CP-15494] - Changed: Recordings Migration Utility Optimization

In some scenarios, Cyara.Utils.StorageMigration utility could end up in a situation where it would be consuming a lot of tempdb storage space, subsequently slowing down performance of other Cyara components. Optimizations were made to enhance performance and reduce tempdb space consumption.

[CP-15511] - Changed: Web - Disable the debug.log file generated by the browser

By default, the headless browser used to execute Test Cases will have its trace log disabled. It can be enabled by setting the config key BrowserSettings.LogSeverity

[CP-15543] - Changed: Splunk Integration - Full Result Sending

Previously the full Test Case Result was only sent to Splunk when a Test Case resulted in a failure. Now the full Test Case Result result will be sent on every record sent.

[CP-15664] - Changed: Cyara Component Logging Improvements

Several log entries produced by Cyara Components had their log severity reduced from Error to Info:
- Cyara Voice Scheduler log entry notifying that there was no matching outbound Test Case
running to handle the incoming call
- Cyara Voice Scheduler log entry warning that Real Time Step Result event was not handled
- Cyara Notification log entry when user configured web hook HTTP request failed reduced to info from error

[CP-15724] - Changed: Voice Test Result Insert Retries

A mechanism was introduced to the Cyara Voice Scheduler that enables it to try Voice Test Result insert up to 3 times, in face of database issues like blocking transactions or timeouts.

20.3 Issue Fixes

[CP-12952] - Fixed: CX Model - Test Cases Generated from CX Models

Under rare circumstances Test Cases generated from a CX Model could incorrectly miss prompts as part of the CX Model flow, this scenario has been resolved.

[CP-13020] - Fixed: Behaviour Index Screen now displays Agent and Activity counts

The Agent and Activity counts in the Behaviour tab were blank unless a search by name was performed.

[CP-13562] - Fixed: Load Campaign Run Authorisation Workflow - Voice Scheduler Log Message

When a user requested a Load Campaign run via UI, and Load Campaign Request Authorization is required, Voice Scheduler will log a line saying that Requested Run is outside of Plan validity. Log message has been adjusted to correctly reflect the circumstances.

[CP-13674] - Fixed: HTTP Response Status Codes

The HTTP Response error codes have been standardized across the Cyara platform to provide a
consistent result.

[CP-14259] - Fixed: Out of Memory error with Testcase export in WebAPI

Resolved an issue when a large number of testcases (~20,000) were being exported via Web API. A new endpoint has been added to allow the download of the Export XML file from the Swagger UI.

[CP-14363] - Fixed: Web Campaign - Screenshot Message

Added a notification message for when a screenshot in a Web Campaign is not currently available.

[CP-14379] - Fixed: Pulse Retry Rule Persistence

The Pulse Retry Rule that can be enabled for a Dashboard was not being removed when the associated Dashboard was removed.

[CP-14655] - Fixed: Dashboard Preview - Service Group Sort Order

The thumbnail of a Dashboard that's presented on the choose page now lists its Service Group in the used defined sort order.

[CP-14668] - Fixed: API - Abort Running Voice Test Case

Resolved a series of scenarios that would cause the Abort Campaign API endpoint from successfully stopping a running Voice Campaign.

[CP-14982] - Fixed: Web Test Case -Resource Logging Issue

When a Resource was downloaded for a supplied URL in a Web Test Case the log line would incorrectly log an error.

[CP-15004] - Fixed: CE.Next - Incorrect SIP Code

Resolved an issue where a Test Case configured to send a SIP 486 busy message would incorrectly send a 403 Disconnect instead.

[CP-15047] - Fixed: Inconsistency with Result % in Velocity Campaign Reporting

The result% was not reported correctly in velocity campaign reporting. The issue has been fixed to take into account the combined journey results to report the actual result%.

[CP-15048] - Fixed: Inconsistency with Result % in Virtual Agent Historical Report

The Agent historical report was incorrectly reporting the Result% based on the agents and calls that were involved. This has been fixed to correctly display the result% based on how many calls passed or failed for each agent interaction.

[CP-15080] - Fixed: Selecting Different Speakers with the Same Tag

Speaker setting does not differentiate speakers with the same tag, as a result, speakers with different names but the same tag cannot be properly selected. In addition, in case of transcription failure, the first speaker, rather than the speaker that was used, will be selected. These two issues have been fixed by the following behaviours:
- Ability to select different speakers with the same tag
- Default speaker is now selected in speaker setting popup in case of transcription failure
- Speaker placeholder is selected in speaker setting popup if both transcription failure and     default speaker retrieval failure occur
- Transcribe button is disabled if speaker placeholder is selected

[CP-15146] - Fixed: CX-AX Velocity Campaign Stuck

Addressed an issue where in the scenario of Test Case preparation failing in Call Engine (missing
languages / invalid tags, and similar), CX-AX enabled Velocity would get stuck in Voice Scheduler being unable to be Aborted.

[CP-15160] - Fixed: Dashboard Users Restricted List - Add Business Executives

The Business Executive user was not visible on the list of users who could be added to the restricted list of Dashboard users, unless that user was specifically given Executive Dashboard permission. Now that is not necessary and Business Executive user as well as QA Analyst, Operations Engineer and Business Analyst users can be selected.

[CP-15199] - Fixed: Dashboard Feed for Restricted Users via API

Dashboard feeds can now be accessed via API for the restricted list of Dashboard users.

[CP-15230] - Fixed: Web Test Case - Empty Browser Attribute

When a Web Test Case included an attribute for the Browser, but its value was empty the test would fail. If this value is blank it will be ignored.

[CP-15257] - Fixed: Incorrect redirection to a login page for an SSO Account

When a Cyara Identity user was accessing an SSO enabled Account and their session timed out, they were incorrectly directed to the Accounts Identity Provider. Now when a Cyara user logs in they will always be correctly redirected to the Cyara Identity login page.

[CP-15265] - Fixed: SMS - Test Cases with Multiple Attributes

SMS Test Cases that contained multiple attributes, validation messages were shown for only the first attribute. Any subsequent attributes would inherit the validation of the first. ie If the first attribute is valid, and the second is invalid, the second is incorrectly shown as valid.
This has been resolved so multiple attributes within a SMS Test Case are all independently validated.

[CP-15410] - Fixed: Fixed issue with Cruncher Campaign stitching

A 10 minute overlap has been allowed for Campaigns to allow Campaign stitching. This avoids a
performance issue when trying to stitch a large number of Campaigns.

[CP-15476] - Fixed: Cyara Transcription Logs Error on Timeouts

In a scenario where Transcription request is taking too long and is being aborted, Cyara Transcription would log an ERROR in its log file. This has been resolved.

[CP-15493] - Fixed: Transcription Timeout Trigger

Cyara Transcription service could enter a situation where the timeout monitoring event stops triggering and subsequently the transcriptions are not being timed out unless a new transcription request is received. In addition, the timeout expiry was not set correctly on message bus request. This has been resolved.

[CP-15509] - Fixed: Portal - High Memory Usage by Dashboard

Certain Dashboards were causing excessive memory consumption. The memory footprint has now been significantly improved for these cases.

[CP-15592] - Fixed: Velocity Recordings for Superseded Results

Full Call Recordings were previously not accessible on Superseded Velocity Test Case Results. This has been resolved.

[CP-15635] - Fixed: Fix display of Outbound Voice Result Information

We have reintroduced the Actual Called Number and Pre Connect Audio which were removed from the Result Summary of an outbound call in a previous release (7.9).

[CP-15694] - Fixed: Test Results Comments Section Heading

The heading text on the comments section is now visible on the Test Result page.

[CP-15706] - Fixed: API - Campaign Concurrency Update

When pushing an update to a Campaign via the API, the Concurrency Field can now successfully be updated.

[CP-15924] - Fixed: Stuck Voice Campaigns in Voice Scheduler

In a rare circumstance when multiple Campaigns kick off within few milliseconds from each other, Voice Scheduler could log an error to log files and one of the Campaigns would remain stuck in that state. It would not be possible to abort or restart this Campaign without Voice Scheduler service restart.

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