Testing for Hold Music


There may be times, when creating your test case, where you need to validate weather or not hold music is playing. This can be accomplished through the use of the {Bypassrecognition} tag. This tag is used to indicate that speech recognition should not be used on any of the audio in this step. This will return a %100 confidence score weather or not the audio matches the test or not. A second tag {Bargin} should also be used so that your step does not timeout waiting for the hold music to stop. {Bargin} allows the reply field to interrupt with the reply field after the amount of time determined by the PSST. This will allow the step to finish without timing out.




To sum up, {BypassRecognition} skips the speech recognition for the phrase in our example “Hold Music”. This allows the step to pass as long as it hears something. {Bargin} allows the single digit of “1” in the reply field to barge in on the call ending the step. This keeps your step from failing due to a breach of the Minor/Major threshold because the music plays too long.



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