Platform Release Version 21.1

21.1 Release & Support Timetable

Release Date End of Life End of Support
January 17th, 2021 January 17th, 2022 January 17th, 2023

Note: "End of Life" states that no more new deployments are allowed of this version.
End of Support is that no more issue fixes or patches will be made available for this version.

21.1 New Features

[POR-E-40] Limited Availability Feature: Cyara Phone
A new method of generating Cyara Test Cases is now available in an open Beta on the Cyara Portal. The Cyara Phone will allow you to place a call in to an IVR manually using a webUI phone, Cyara will then record all of the actions performed on this call and translate this to a Cyara Test Case. Cyara Phone is currently in an open public beta phase and Cyara will continue to add more features and functionality in future releases.

[IMP-50] - Feature: CX Models Tag Builder
Cyara CX Models now feature a Tag Builder to assist with formatting and including Cyara Tags into the CX Model prompts. Simply click on the prompt field of a CX Model Element and the Tag Builder will display.

[CP-18005] - Feature: POLQA (P863) Voice Quality Evaluation Algorithm Support
Cyara Inbound and Outbound Test Cases can use the POLQA P863 algorithm for narrowband voice quality evaluation. The POLQA algorithm is more reliable when the signal contains delay variations.

The use of POLQA is preferred when testing voice quality between a Customer calling over PSTN and an Agent connected by WebRTC. For example, an Agent responding to customer calls on Amazon Connect or Twillio platforms.

To enable POLQA on your account for WebRTC voice quality testing please contact your Cyara Account representative.

[CP-18021] - Feature: Genesys Engage (Legacy) Virtual Agent - Attached Data on User Events
The Send User Event activity now can accept attached data references to pass on to Genesys or 3rd party components listening to those events.

For example;

UserEventVariable = $Interaction.UserData.MyAttachedDataVariable

Previously only constant values could be passed on with the User Event.

[CP-18045] - Feature: Cyara API - Fetch Reclassified Results
A new Cyara 3.0 API endpoint is available to fetch reclassified Campaign run results.

[CP-18047] - Feature: Integration – Rally
A new Integration is available for the Cyara Integration Hub, the Agile Software suite Rally. Track Cyara Test Case, Campaign or Pulse calls in your Rally deployment using the easy to configure Integration. Configure custom field mappings to customize the data that your Rally deployment receives. Read the setup and configuration documentation in the Cyara Developer Central resources for more information.

[CP-18051] - Feature: Cyara API - Add Executive Summary/Notes
This new API Endpoint can be used to add executive summary for a particular Campaign run.

This is a generic PATCH endpoint for patching campaign run information. For now it supports adding and replacing executive summary content.

[CP-18052] - Feature: Cyara API - Exporting Call Results
The Cyara 3.0 API Endpoint for Get Classified Results, now supports exporting test result details to the CSV file format.

[CP-18263] - Feature: CX Models - Reply With Tags
Tags have been added to the Reply Type drop down menu on Menu Prompt responses within Cyara CX Models.

[CP-18657] - Feature: Cyara API - Export MOS Scores for supplied Run ID
A new API Endpoint is available to export MOS scores for a supplied Campaign Run ID.

[CP-18528] - Feature: Enhanced Confidence Algorithm
The Enhanced Confidence Algorithm option for Speech Recognition is now available. Once enabled on your Cyara Account, use the new {EnhancedConfidenceAlgorithm} Tag in your Test Cases to improve recognition results when an accurate score can not be derived.

The New {EnhancedConfidenceAlgorithm} Tag can be specified with one of the types of Enhanced Confidence Algorithm that Cyara supports.

Valid options are:

  • {EnhancedConfidenceAlgorithm Lenient} - Default and not need to be specified, uses Levenshtein String Distance algorithm
  • {EnhancedConfidenceAlgorithm Strict}- Strict algorithm uses NIST alignment algorithm
  • {EnhancedConfidenceAlgorithm Disabled} - Can be used to disable Enhanced Confidence for a specific recording or a Test Case

2021.1 Platform Updates

[CP-18018] - Changed: Cyara XML Export includes POLQA settings
When exporting Test Cases and Blocks through the Portal or API V3 as either CyaraXML or Excel format, steps whose Audio Quality setting has been set to POLQA (instead of PESQ) will now include a new POLQA settings:

In Cyara XML this is stored in the ExpectedExchangeParamaters Section. In Excel there are three new columns for Test Case and Block Step sections: "POLQA Mode", "POLQA High Accuracy", "POLQA Auto Alignment"

[CP-16890] - Changed: Cyara Splunk Integration - Data Truncation Change
By default the maximum record size in Splunk is 10,000 bytes. Some Cyara Test result records can exceed that size and unless addressed, the recorded submitted by Cyara Pulse will be truncated.

To avoid loss/truncation of data it is recommended to increase the maximum allowed records size by setting TRUNCATE value in Splunk’s props.conf
Example: [source::Cyara*Monitoring]

If you installed, or planning to install, Cyara Pulse App for Splunk ( ) the increase of the record size for Cyara contributed records will be addressed by the app, and no additional Splunk configuration modifications will be required.

[CP-17011] - Changed: Reworded hint on {AlphaNum} Tag
AlphaNum Tag description is now: "This Tag is used to recognize spoken letters and numbers in English" as it will understand spoken letters or numbers.

[CP-18279] - Changed: AlphaNum Tag Recognition Change
When using the AlphaNum Tag within a Test Case, Cyara will no longer interpret 'Oh' as a the digit zero.

[CP-17944] - Changed: Renamed C3 to Cloud Connect in Load Test Booking Emails
With this change C3 has been renamed to Cloud Connect in Load Test Booking Emails to bring consistency with the User Interface and for better understanding for Users

[CP-17971] - Changed: CE.Next Channels to RTP Ports Calculation
The Cyara Call Engine Next technical benchmarks available in the Deployment Guide have been updated with new information on how to determine the number of RTP Ports required for a specific number of Call Engine Next Channels.

[CP-15418] - Changed: Added "Same Site" attribute to Cookies
As part of improving security of the Cyara Portal, cookies are now set with "Same Site" LAX attribute

2021.1 Issue Fixes

[CP-11820] - Fixed: Special Character Test Case Titles in Custom Pulse Reports
If Test Case name included special characters such as angled brackets and that Test Case was included in Custom Pulse Report, the Reporting screen for that Test Case would fail to open.

[CP-16513] - Fixed: Using Language Tags could generate incorrect Test Cases
In some situations when using Language Tags in you CX Model, Test Cases would be incorrectly generated. With this fix, Test Cases will be generated with the following logic:

  1. The Test Case will include the Language Tag, based on the Speaker selected in the Notes field.
  2. If the user add a Language tag to the Notes field (on the Start Element), the Test Case will be generated with that Language Tag in the Notes field.
  3. If the user selects a Speaker on the Menu Element that is different to the Speaker for the CX Model and different to the Language Tag in the Notes field of the Start Element, a Language Tag will be added to the Step Expect to Hear
  4. If the user sets a Language Tag in one of the Prompt fields of a Menu Element that is different from the Speaker for the CX Model and from the Language Tag set in the Notes field on the Start Element, a Language Tag will be added to the Step Expect to Hear.

[CP-19241] - Fixed: Incorrect Test Case names being generated from a CX Model containing modules
When generating Test Cases from a CX Model containing modules, the names of the resulting Test Cases did not properly reflect the paths of that Model. With this fix, the names generated are more complete, now containing Module Names, Outcomes and Leaf Elements.

[CP-16545] - Fixed: Create Campaign API - Updating Campaign Schedule
If the schedule has been added with Campaign Create Request, the API request will now correctly add or update the schedule for the associated Campaign.

[CP-16576] - Fixed: Test Case Transcription Speaker Selection Case Insensitive
Before the language code comparison was case sensitive, so if the ETH had "Fr-Ca", it would not find the speaker because the language code is "fr-CA".
This has now been modified to be case insensitive.

[CP-16892] - Fixed: Unwanted Variable Generated While Crawling
When advanced NLP is enabled, Crawling will generate [varname]# in the Reply With Element for verbiage with format such as "Enter credit card number followed by the hash key". This might interfere with the majority of Crawling applications, hence advanced NLP is disabled by default.

[CP-17303] - Fixed: CX Model - Stuck Loading
Resolved an intermittent issue where upon creating a new CX Model, the editor would stick and could only be restored by refreshing the browser window.

[CP-17385] - Fixed: CX Model - Crawling CX Models with {Optional} Tags
Fixed an issue where users were unable to crawl paths containing Optional Tags despite Tags being supported in the CX Model Editor.

[CP-17851] - Fixed: Login Screen Preview in Login Page Administration
When editing the login page as part of platform administration in the Portal, the display of the login screen was outside of the designated area.

[CP-17875] - Fixed: Folders created by API are instantly visible in Cyara Portal
With this fix, now new folders will be visible in Portal as soon as its created using the Cyara API.

[CP-17908] - Fixed: Load Test Booking Calendar - Overlapping Maintenance Windows
Overlapping Maintenance Windows in the Cyara Load Test Booking Calendar will no longer generate an error.

[CP-17918] - Fixed: Campaigns Abort Automatically with Incorrect Summary
Previously the summary messages for inbound campaigns that automatically abort due to invalid test cases were 'Hard Aborted by user'. This message has been changed to 'Invalid Test Case' to reflect the actual reason to abort.

[CP-17930] - Fixed: Error Duplicating Test Case or Block if Original Folder is Removed
Resolved a Portal crash that could occur when a Folder containing Test Cases or Blocks that are currently open and being edited is deleted, while another user attempts to Duplicate the same opened Test Case or Blocks.

[CP-17938] - Fixed: CX Models - Cannot Crawl inside Modules
When crawling a CX Model, if a Module was encountered along the crawl path, the crawl would incorrectly terminate without discovering new Menus inside the Module.

[CP-17972] - Fixed: CX Models - High CPU Usage
When a CX Model is open and the user session has expired, the browser will continue to poll for updates despite the user being logged out. If the user logs back if from a different tab, the CX Model Tab will continue to poll the database, but will generate an error for each polling operation. This worsens with each CX Model tab that is open. The fix allows the browser to detect if the user has been signed out and if so, will redirect to the login screen. If the user signs back in before the browser can detect the session has expired, the issue will resolve immediately after the first polling error occurs.

[CP-18312] - Fixed: Disabling False Positive flag in Language Tag
If you set the Disable False Positive or P4 flag parameters in a CX Model prompt that also contains a Language Tag, this will now be accepted and a validation error message will no longer be generated.

[CP-18314] - Fixed: API - Default Swagger Page Link Issue
The REST API site now correctly shows the Swagger API Documentation resource.

[CP-18593] - Fixed: Web Test Case - "Matches" function issues
When a Matches function was being used within a Web Test Case, it would fail if the comparison text contained a mixture of white space (newlines, tabs, and spaces). Now all white space will be ignored when running a Matches function.

[CP-19019] - Fixed: Error Deleting Unused Audio Files
Older CX Model data was preventing the deletion of linked audio files, this constraint has been removed and audio files may be now managed correctly.

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