Common Scenarios where Cyara ends the call

Even if any test case steps fail, Cyara tries to complete the test case and the call but there are few scenarios where Cyara could drop or release the call from its end.

  • Call taking too long - Reason for that, Cyara intelligently calculates the maximum length of each step of the test case. If the length of a step is longer than the calculated value, then Cyara drops the call. This usually happens when instead of expected verbiage a long music is played or is an indication of IVR failure.

To overcome this issue, We can use the {MaxAudioLength} Tag. Use this tag to specify a maximum duration (in whole seconds) for the audio heard in this step (starting from the beginning of audio - i.e. skips any leading silence). If the audio duration exceeds this amount, the call is ended immediately with reason "Abandoning call because audio length exceeded maximum duration". This tag should not be used with {BargeIn}, {Ignore} or {WaitForHangUp}. This tag is useful for ending a call that has audio that goes on too long (e.g. hold music that lasts too long).

  • Post Speech Silence Timeout - If there is silence on the call and it triggers the Post Speech Silence Timeout(PSST) value. If it happens on the final step of the test case, then Cyara will drop the call. If it is not the final step, then Cyara will move on to the next step in the test case.


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