Platform Release Version 22.6

22.6 Release & Support Timetable

Release Date End of Life End of Support
23rd October, 2022 23rd October, 2023 23rd October, 2024


22.6 Region Release Availability

Region Availability

United Kingdom


United States

Note: Future Cyara Releases will contain all features delivered in this release.

22.6 Platform Features

CP-29109 - Feature: Agent real-time campaign listing now shows agent state
To assist with the management of large Virtual Agent Campaign runs, the listing page has been improved to display the summary of agent states.

22.6 Issue Fixes

CP-15968 - Fixed: copy/cut/paste for Module nodes with children
If you cut/copy a Module element, then pasted it into another area within a CX Model. That Module would incorrectly also copy any child elements across. With this fix children of module nodes will be ignored when being copied.

CP-23334 - Fixed: Cursor position on large prompt text fields
While editing a large menu prompt text field that requires a scrollbar, the editor will no longer lose cursor position when clicked away or focus is moved out of the editor.

CP-23528 - Fixed: Misleading Test Case campaign link
When removing a campaign, it was possible for the count of campaigns to which the Test Case was linked to be incorrect.

CP-24763 - Fixed: Changing the order of scenarios in dataset will generate the test cases with new scenario order
If the scenario order is changed using dataset editor (swapping row order), it should change the order of scenarios in test cases generated from CXModel using this dataset. Newly generated test cases will now show the changed scenario order.

CP-29052 - Fixed: Service Library - Creating Services with Invalid Names
When creating a new Service in the Service Library, the correct validation will be applied to the name of the Service.

CP-29124 - Fixed: Number Slider output in CX Model
While editing a tag with a number slider (Number, Repeat, or Sensitivity), the output of the tag in the prompt text will now display the same values as the dialog. Also the Number tag will keep its "Advanced" settings when edited.

CP-29442 - Fixed: Database deadlocks and unique key violation when starting a Campaign
In a situation where database server experiences blocking or delays in executing request, a particular scenario could cause a deadlock exception to be logged to the log files when executing a Campaign. When this happens, another error would be logged regarding unique key violations. This area has been adjusted to avoid deadlocks to occur.

CP-29810 - Fixed: CX Models - Validation not including Shared Modules
Resolved an issue in CX Models where validation was excluding any Elements that were contained in Shared Modules within the CX Model being validated.

CP-30230 - Fixed: Virtual Agent - Amazon Connect login does not work for the updated softphone
Due to Amazon UI upgrades, the login functionality stopped working for Amazon Connect Virtual Agents. This has been resolved in both the 2022.6 and 2022.5 releases.

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