Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs - General

  • Why can't I see the Cyara User Guide?

    The Cyara User Guide and the Cyara Tutorial Videos require an active login session on the Cyara Platform. You will now need to login with your Cyara credentials to access the Platform User Guide. When accessing the Platform User Guide, you’ll be prompte...

  • How do I change/reset my password?

    Answer Cyara users can reset/change their password any time. To do so, please follow the simple steps below: Navigate to the Cyara Portal Login page: Click on the forgotten password link: Enter your username or corporate email associated with your user...

  • Common Scenarios where Cyara ends the call

    Even if any test case steps fail, Cyara tries to complete the test case and the call but there are few scenarios where Cyara could drop or release the call from its end. Call taking too long - Reason for that, Cyara intelligently calculates the maximum...

  • What are Default ANIs (CLIs) used by Cyara?

    If no ANI/CLI/Calling from number is provided in a test case, Cyara will use these ANI depending on carrier configured for this test case or destination. These ANIs can be provided to customers if they need to whitelist them on their side. Cyara US :   ...

  • Troubleshooting not being able to make calls from my Cyara Phone / Call Explorer

    Cyara phone in many terms is like any other normal web based phones from where one can call to any number. Cyara phone creates the test case based on live interaction with the call made from Cyara Phone. All the DTMF pressed, Speech replies spoken and t...

  • Format of the Called Number and ANI (CLI)

    The carrier always prefers to have the called number and the calling number in E164 format.  If the called number is not in E164 format and the ANI is not a valid ANI, call termination is not guaranteed.  Customer should always write the called number i...

See all 16 articles

FAQ - Cyara Support

  • Cyara Call Explorer: IP Ranges and Ports

    Overview The Cyara Call Explorer can require additional network connectivity access to be granted, if you are using it behind a network firewall for example. The below tables cover which IP Addresses and Port Ranges should be allowed through your networ...

  • Opening a ticket with Cyara Support

    Cyara Support offers multiple communication channels: Email Web Phone SMS* All of these methods can be used to open a ticket with Cyara Support. *sms channel is available only in the US Email Opening Cyara Support ticket using email channel is as simp...

  • Assigning Severity to a Ticket

    Cyara uses Severity attribute to define the the extent to which an issue affects the product or application. It defines the Impact that an issue has on the customer's project or testing process. Cyara defines the following Severity levels: Severity1 (Cr...

  • Can I Call Support?

    Yes. Cyara Support has a Hotline for Urgent questions and Critical issues. Customers can call following numbers: USA: +1 855 843 4662 UK: +44 808 164 4453 AUS: +61 1800 953 154

FAQs - Cyara Platform

  • Cyara Call Costs - Everything One Needs To Know

    What are call costs? Call costs are charges for making voice calls to non Toll-Free Numbers from or to the Cyara Platform.    When are call costs incurred?  Call costs are incurred when making voice calls to non-Toll-Free Numbers in the following ways f...

  • How to Unblock Blocked Numbers

    By default, specific numbers are blocked in the Cyara Platform to avoid spam and malicious calls. These could also include non Toll-Free numbers with a high call rate. You can always have these numbers unblocked by contacting your Account Manager or the...

  • E.164 International Dialing Format and Outbound Calls

    E.164 International Dialing Format E.164 is the carrier preferred dialing format. Making use of the country code as part of the phone number is general best practice as carriers will not guarantee that the call will terminate without it.   How does this...

  • Testing for Hold Music

      There may be times, when creating your test case, where you need to validate weather or not hold music is playing. This can be accomplished through the use of the {Bypassrecognition} tag. This tag is used to indicate that speech recognition should not...

  • Common Cyara Log File Locations

    Below is a list of Common locations for Cyara logs.  If you have a on premises deployment you may be asked for these files during trouble shooting.   Web Portal: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CyaraWebPortal\logs   ELMAH C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CyaraWebPortal\logs\ELMAH...

  • What are the tags supported in CX Model?

    CX Model Tags   Cyara CX Models also support a specific range of Tags. When creating or editing a CX Model, you can insert Tags into various fields to cater for specific scenarios. Tags are keywords surrounded by curled brackets (for example, {TagName}...

See all 14 articles

FAQ - Performance/Load Testing

  • How do I schedule a load / performance test?

    Starting with Cyara 2020.4 our customers no longer need assistance from Cyara to schedule and run load tests. The Cyara 2020.4 brings full service to load testing, accelerating the scheduling process while making it more convenient and fully automated. ...

  • Voice Call Performance Calculator

    When conducting voice performance testing in order to achieve desired business objectives which usually focuses on speed, accuracy, response time and scalability of the system under test a set of metrics are usually defined which identifies how much wor...

  • Ramp up CAPS and MAX CAPS

    Background When you plan your load test which contains multiple Campaigns, you need to be careful while setting up a ramp-up time, as it is easy to exceed the CAPS limit for your IVR. Let's review a scenario when you have a 1000 ports load test split be...

  • How do I plan my load test?

    Answer To plan your load test you need to identify the following: Load Target. What exactly you need to test? IVR Prompts Response Time Backend Load Test Type Avalanche Test Soak Test Scale Test Campaigns Sequence Test Cases Proportion When it i...

  • How do I create my test cases for load test?

    Answer When a scope of load test is defined according to Load Test Plan, test cases need to be adjusted accordingly: If a load test tests the IVR under load the following criteria need to be included into test cases: Delays fetching and playing audio ...

  • How do I calculate Ramp Up Time, CAPS and Call Duration?

    Answer Ports, Ramp Up Time, Call Duration and Call Attempts Per Second (CAPS) are related to each other with the following expressions: Ports = Call Duration * CAPS Ramp Up Time = Ports / CAPS It's easy to see that Ramp Up Time in these expressions equa...

See all 7 articles

FAQ - Contact Center Monitoring

  • Why Scheduling a Pulse campaign is important?

    Problem Cyara allows you to set, a Pulse Campaign, Start Time, and Date, as well as its frequency. It often causes confusion that the campaign will always run at certain time intervals starting with the Requested Run Date/Time. In fact, there are severa...

  • Amazon Connect Cyara Virtual Agent (Voice)

    Amazon Connect Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use omnichannel cloud contact center that helps companies provide superior customer service at a lower cost. Over 10 years ago, Amazon’s retail business needed a contact center that would give our customers p...

  • Limitation on Pulse Extra Call Feature

    Background :  The Pulse extra call will happen when the following conditions are  met :1. if the Extra Pulse Call setting is configured2. if the Major or Minor Threshold limit is exceeded3. if the call failure results in alarms to be sent4. needs to fai...

  • How do I set up a new Executive Dashboard?

    The following steps can be used to create a default Executive Dashboard. For additional information or to further customize your dashboard refer to the User Guide. Dashboards can be accessed via the Reports Menu. To configure a default Executive Dashboa...

  • What do I need to do to prepare to monitor an environment or application?

    To monitor an environment or application you need to identify the following: What do you need to monitor? IVR application Voice Quality Response Time Web Services When and how often do you need to monitor? Weekdays/Weekends Start and End times Freq...

  • Installing the ResolveAX Browser Extension

    ResolveAX has two deployment model options for agent desktops so that data can be captured and streamed to the ResolveAX backend. A Browser Extension option, and an SDK (by custom request) option. These options will not impact agent’s ability to log ...

FAQ - Basic Troubleshooting

  • Unable to Connect to the Cyara Platform

    If you are unable to connect to the Cyara Platform at https://cyaraportal.x (Where .x is your regional Cyara Portal, e.g Cyaraportal.us or Cyaraportal.co.uk), or specific pages within the portal do not load correctly, follow the troubleshooting steps be...

  • Test Case Tuning Quicklinks

    The following table below is a quicklink guide on various Test Case topics, specifically relating to troubleshooting and Test Case Tuning. Click the links below for more information on each topic Knowledgebase Article Variable Web link Examp...

  • What does General Error mean?

    Description Sometimes Cyara Portal instead of a requested page or action shows blank screen with General Error text on it. Answer General Error means an Exception in Cyara Web application. Exception is a condition that is not expected by an application,...

  • What to do when a particular step is failing with low confidence?

    Answer There will be few cases where you might face issues with a particular test case step failing with low confidence. To troubleshoot such scenario we advise to use the Prompt Analyzer feature which can be accessed in the test case step result. The s...