After entering my Ani number, i am hearing a ring how to handle this in cyara

Ramkumar M

After entering my Ani number, i am hearing a ring. I tried using optional tag. But sometimes it is working correctly and sometimes it is not working


Scenario: after two three ring i need to move to the next step . where i need to hear welcome prompt


Can you please help me on that



Ramkumar M R



1 comment

  • Comment author
    Valery Topilin
    • Official comment

    Hi! Sorry for the delay!

    If it is a single ring back, you can treat it as a test case step. Just create a step with PSST of 1 and use tag {BypassRecognition} in the Expect To Hear Field.

    If number of rings is variable - it is more complicated, but our support team will be happy to help you.



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