Tutorial: Finding Full Crawler Calls

Christopher Ryan Expert (Gold)

How Crawler Works
When you start a crawl, Crawler calculates the various pathways it has to go, and builds a test case for each one, automatically creating new test cases with each additional step as it goes. So if you have a menu that has 8 children, and do a Crawl From Here on that menu with a depth of 3, it will first create 8 test cases, one for each child. As each child is discovered, it will create the test cases for all the pathways found for them to discover their own child menus (the "grandchildren"). All these test cases that Crawler creates and runs are still stored on your Cyara account in the zzzCrawler test case folder. They're necessary to provide the transcriptions for each menu in your CX Model:

Why You Want The Full Call
Given that many of us are testing in lower environments (DEV, UAT, Pre-Prod, etc.), there can be some instabilities. DTMF tones are missed, lookups take too long and default route, an AB test wasn't turned off, the list goes on. Crawler, being a robot, doesn't account for these instabilities, and so you may have seen strange menus transcribed. You may see a transfer ring, a No Input retry, or even a misroute. When these do occur, we probably all do the same thing of deleting the menu and re-crawling it. But what if it happens again? Is our PSST off? Is the system giving percolation (thinking noise) sometimes, and others not at all? Is there an optional message (ASR check, disclaimer, promotion, etc.) being played? Here's how we can find out.

How to Find The Call
To find the call, we're going to need a CX Model menu that has been discovered by Crawler, and our API Key:Token pair. First, let's start with the menu.

In the Portal, navigate to your CX Model, and click on the problematic menu. On the right-hand side, under the Menu Details tab, you should see a little cloud icon:


Clicking this will download the audio recording for that menu:

The name of that wav file is a GUID followed by a dash and a number, in this case -1. We don't actually care about the -1. The -1 is actully the step number, and the GUID is the ticket for the call! In other words, the wav file is coming from the call that was made by the test case Crawler created for the menu we discovered.

We'll now turn our attention to the API. This is how we're going to find the testResultId for our call. When it comes to calls, Cyara has 2 different IDs. There's the GUID (actually called the Ticket, or in the API, the testRunTicketId), which is created the moment a call starts. And there's the testResultId, which is created the moment a call finishes. The testResultId is what we actually need, because this is what the Portal uses in the URL structure for calls. The GUID's only use is to find the testResultId.

If you don't have one already you need to generate a Token for your API Key:Token pair. To do this, navigate to the home page of the Cyara Portal. Click the sillhouette in the top right, and click API in the dropdown:

Click Generate Token:

This Token never expires and can be used as many times as you want, but it gets thrown away forever when you click Generate Token again. If you refresh the page, the Token is still valid, but it will no longer be visible. So make sure you save it somewhere securely. Your full authentication string is located between the red bars, ApiKey Key:Token:

Copy your ApiKey Key:Token, and navigate to Cyara's API documentation, which is your portal URL followed by "/cyarawebapi". For example, the US portal is "https://cyaraportal.us/cyarawebapi"

Click the Authorize icon on the right-hand side:

In the Value: box, paste in your ApiKey Key:Token string and click Authorize:

You should see Authorized with the Logout button now present. Click the x in the top right or close to get out of this popup:

Scroll down to the TestResults category, the API we want to open is "/v3.0/accounts/{accountId}/testresults/{testRunTicketId}":

Click on row to open it and click "Try it out":

Type in your account ID, found in your Cyara Portal URL (for example https://www.cyaraportal.us/cyarawebportal/66/home would have the account number 66). And paste in the GUID from the wav file you downloaded, excluding the -[StepNumber] at the end. Click execute to run the call:

If successful, a json response should appear below with the HTTP Response 200 OK. Scroll to the bottom of the json and the testResultId will be there. In this case, 2682616:

Open a new tab in your browser, and paste in the URL structure for a test result, using the testResultId returned. In our case, this would be:
https://www.cyaraportal.us/cyarawebportal/66/report/resultdetails?testResultId=2682616&mediaType=1. This will bring you to the call Crawler made for discovering our menu. Notice the Ticket matches the GUID:

Scroll down, and you can see Step 1, which matches the wav file step we downloaded from Crawler:




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